Wolverine - ruthless and beautiful (8 photos)

2 March 2025
Category: animals, 0+

Deep in the northern forests, where winter lasts more than six months, small animals live - wolverines. They are found in dense forests full of white snow and wolverines are true masters of survival.

They have strong paws and strong teeth that can bite through meat and bones, despite even the severe frost. They can also dig deep holes in search of dwarf rabbits and mice. They patiently and persistently hunt, dig holes and pursue their victims even over long distances.

At the same time, these are one of the least studied animals in the world. Their population is quite low and they are very wary, making behavior difficult to study.

Wolverines are very strong animals. They can carry heavy objects, such as trash cans, over considerable distances, and can easily lift objects weighing 2-3 times their own weight.

These animals have very thick skin, which helps them survive in harsh conditions. The skin protects from frost and hunting rifles and prevents snow from penetrating into their warm and cozy holes. Wolverines are very fast, they can reach speeds of up to 48 km/h, so if they find a victim, it will be extremely difficult for him to escape.

Wolverines are very greedy for their territory and can defend it from animals that are many times stronger than them. They use their arsenal of teeth and claws to defend their space. In general, they are very adaptive: they can feed on both animals and plants, which allows them to survive in very difficult conditions.

They can even sleep in any position, even standing. This allows them to quickly wake up to respond to a threat. The guys are always a little cheating, to put it simply.

Wolverines not only run fast, but can also swim long distances and at depths of up to 15 meters. They can cross lakes and rivers and escape from predators like this.

In relation to humans, wolverines are not very prone to territorial aggression, but if it seems to them that a person poses a threat to its life or has entered its territory, they will attack without hesitation. But before they completely attack, they can show that they don’t like guests - turn their backs to the person and spit on him. Both funny and offensive.

These animals are usually solitary and intersect with their own kind only to reproduce. It’s funny that wolverines really like to sing during this period; their vocals can be heard at quite a long distance. Females give birth to one to three cubs, which develop very quickly and by one year can be completely separated from the mother.

Wolverines love to play hide and seek! They may hide behind piles of snow or trees and then jump out at random to scare their forest comrades. Their games look quite funny and amusing.

In some regions of the world, wolverines are in danger of extinction because they are hunted and their natural habitat is destroyed. In Canada, wolverines are protected by law and are listed as vulnerable. But thanks to the efforts of conservation organizations, wolverines continue to live today.

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