Dedications with double meaning and without it at all (12 photos)

1 March 2025
Category: miscellaneous, 0+

It seems that sculpture is about art, grace, grace. You can admire the works of ancient masters ad infinitum.

But with modern masterpieces, not everything is so clear and unambiguous. And some have questions. What did the author want to demonstrate, what is the message in these sculptures?

Faceless worker

For some reason this Yakut janitor is faceless. Same front and back. The philosophy of invisible, but such important workers? Or something different?

Man and car

The car turns... into solid muscular limbs. The monument is located in Palo Alto, USA.

Escape to the origins

Run to nature, run away from yourself and, meandering, return to the origins? Sculpture in Japan.

Lady with low social responsibility

A masterpiece dedicated to representatives of the oldest profession adorns Prague.

Yawn always, yawn everywhere

A hodgepodge of citizens yawning with varying intensity was installed in Flensburg, Germany. Although the authors insist that this is what laughter looks like.

Modest Savings

Although the world has switched to cashless transactions, the Austrians decided to feel nostalgic and capture such a monument to a retro wallet. I wonder if there is a monument to a bank card somewhere?

I got drunk and I won't make it home

Monument to the drunkard Uncle Vasya in Krasnoyarsk. Judging by the polished nose of the citizen, who has gained a state of inability to stand, he is extremely popular among local residents and guests of the city.

Thumb, you are mighty

A symbolic sculpture dedicated to the main finger was recently installed in Paris. The one we express support and admiration for and scroll through all sorts of nonsense every day. The author of the “finger” is the famous sculptor and artist Cesar (Caesar) Baldaccini.

Pissing is not a boy

The dude doesn’t seem to look like a boy, because he’s too old. Judging by his pose, he is clearly doing his wet job. It is not entirely clear what the Danes were guided by when creating this creation. Celebrating “what is natural is beautiful”?

The grace of feces

There is an explanation for this creation installed in Chicago. With his work, sculptor Jerzy Kenara tried to encourage dog lovers to clean up after their pets so that dog poop does not spoil the beauty of city streets. However, the fountain sculpture did not particularly decorate them either.

King Kong gongs

And again Prague. The provocative sculpture by French sculptor Denis Defrancesco is called “King Kong Eggs” and is an ode to freedom in all its forms.

Have you ever come across strange or meaningless monuments and sculptures?

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