30 cats who do their job perfectly (31 photos)

1 February 2025
Category: animals, 0+

All cat owners know that these seemingly proud and indifferent pets are able to drown out any sadness and melancholy if they just jump onto their laps and curl up in a purring ball. The mustachioed nannies from this selection are clearly aware of their magical abilities and are not shy about using them to console and entertain their youngest owners.

1. “My son has loved our cat since birth. She endures this love as steadfastly as I could have ever imagined.”

2. "A touching scene this morning involving my 18-month-old son and 14-year-old cat."

3. Best friends

4. “My twin cats are meeting their new baby brother.”

5. "One of us, one of us!"

6. "Our cat had kittens a few days after our baby was born. One kitten always climbs into the cradle. They are destined to become best friends."

7. “My son is my cat’s favorite person.”

8. “My wife just sent me this photo of our daughter and cat. I cried at work.”

9. “My wife is 30 weeks pregnant and this is how her cat cuddles with her.”

10. “We forgot to tell the cat that we were having a baby.”

11. “My son learned a lot from his cat.”

12. This is love

13. “They are currently scheduled to watch cartoons.”

14. “Until now we had not allowed the cat near the child, but then we decided to let him come closer and see what he would do.”

15. “My wife is three weeks away from giving birth and our cats love cuddling her belly.”

16. Explore the world together

17. “My sister recently had her first child. I took a photo of her introducing him to her cat.”

18. "Looks like they're going to be friends."

19. "The nanny sleeps only when the child sleeps"

20. Take me for a ride, big turtle!

21. "7 years ago. I will always cherish this memory and photo. Zane is now 12 and Lola is no longer with us. She was the most affectionate cat and Zane was her baby."

22. “The cat who hates and attacks/runs away from everyone except her owner is now madly in love with her two-week-old “sister”.”

23. "Why does my cat, who I've had for 10 years, lick my baby? He doesn't lick my older kids (4 and 6), but I can't get him to stop licking the baby."

24. A responsible pet cat walks his human

25. “Thank you, Rin-Chan, for watching over my son from the moment he was born.”

26. "5-year-old boy and his 16-year-old brother"

27. It’s official: this world has never seen anything cuter

28. Where can I get such a respectable cat?

29. "The best big sister. She purrs over her head until she falls asleep."

30. “That’s not why I bought the cradle!”

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