10 unexpected facts about the Turkish harem (11 photos)

30 January 2025
Category: actuality, 0+

Beautiful women indulge in doing nothing in the palace, diversifying it as much as possible with gossip and changing outfits - this is how everyday life in harems during the Ottoman Empire is seen today. Yes, the concubines weaved intrigues, fought for the love and attention of the Sultan, won power and authority, but in general their life was as sweet as Turkish delight. Or is it not? "

1. Not only slaves ended up in the harem

The Turks fought abroad every now and then, bringing home not only material wealth, but also beautiful foreign women. They ended up on the slave market, where they were bought for harems at the age of 6–12 years. Slavic women were especially valued, but there was also demand for Circassian, Georgian and European women - this is how the aristocrat Cecilia from Venice became the wife of Selim II and deftly influenced his political decisions.

Some families voluntarily gave their daughters to the harem: the poor - for the sake of a generous reward and a well-fed future for their girls, and the rich - for the opportunity to someday become related to the Sultan.

2. Beauty standards have constantly changed

To keep the ruler from getting bored, he was offered different types: blondes and brunettes, slender and plump, tall and petite. The standard was considered to be an hourglass figure with a pronounced difference in the volumes of the waist and hips. At the same time, each sultan, of course, had his own preferences: for example, Ibrahim I loved those with curvaceous figures, and they were looked for especially for him throughout the country, and then additionally fattened with sweets. His favorite Sheker Para (“Sugar”) weighed more than 150 kg.

3. Girls weren't always messing around.

All concubines underwent a two-year training: experienced Kalfa slaves taught them the basics of the Koran, literature, calligraphy, poetry and versification, and taught them to play musical instruments. Particular emphasis was placed on court etiquette so that concubines could converse with the Sultan, serve him coffee correctly, or fill his pipe.

They maintained their physical fitness by dancing (for example, they performed raqs sharhi, a hybrid of belly dancing and striptease), learned to care for their skin, dress up and put on makeup, and also mastered intimate gymnastics in order to masterfully please the ruler.

4. Concubines were given salaries

Even simple maids regularly received money for clothes, cosmetics and delicacies, and concubines could even count on generous allowances and gifts on holidays. The harem required serious expenses, but the beauties were pampered even in harsh times. And after the death of the Sultan, his concubines moved to the Old Palace and were provided for until the end of their days.

5. Luxury is not for everyone

The halls, gardens, baths, playgrounds and other common areas looked luxurious, but basically the harem consisted of small rooms and narrow corridors. Most of the concubines not presented to the Sultan (or rejected by him) huddled in modest bedrooms next to the kitchens, pantries and laundries. But the favorites really lived in luxurious apartments with balconies and terraces.

6. Strict hierarchy

The head of the harem was the ruler’s mother, the Valide Sultan, who examined the girls after training. Those who did not pass the selection were sent to the kitchen and janitors' rooms, those who passed became jariye - potential concubines who pleased the others. Particularly diligent and attractive people turned into mouths and could qualify for a night with the Sultan. After this long-awaited event, their status was elevated to gezde, and after several nights - to iqbal (favorites).

The greatest influence (and wealth) belonged to the Kadins, who gave birth to a child for the Sultan, and the legal wives - the Kadin-effendi.

7. Not all eunuchs were harmless

Eunuchs, as we know, were the only men who had access to concubines. They kept order, did housekeeping and accounting. Boys from Africa and Europe were bought from slave traders, castrated and named after flowers or birds to emphasize their purity. However, some eunuchs still managed to enter into love relationships with concubines and, moreover, sometimes impressed them so much that the poor things later yearned for their unprecedented skill all their lives.

8. Nights of love were held according to the rules

However, the Sultan himself sought to please his women: intercourse was accompanied by caresses, positions were regulated. The lucky woman chosen for the passionate night was carefully prepared - steamed in the hammam, massaged, hair removal and makeup done. Even in the most intimate moments, Ethiopian maids were present in the bedroom, watching the flames in the torches. The most skillful mistresses received gifts the next morning, and over time they turned into favorites.

9. Disobedience was punished

Girls had to be obedient in literally everything. Obstinate slaves were put in prison, beaten with whips, and if that did not help, they were exiled to the Old Palace and deprived of their property. One of the concubines of Suleiman the Magnificent was allegedly executed because she did not appear on time to the ruler who was waiting for her.

Those found guilty of treason or betrayal were put in a sack and thrown into the sea under the cover of darkness. And Ibrahim I, according to legend, completely drowned his entire harem - 280 women.

10. The harem could be left

They always tried to recruit the “staff” of the harem with a reserve; as a result, not all the concubines received the attention of the Sultan: he simply did not have enough time. And if after 9 years of being in the harem the concubine was still a virgin, she could be granted freedom. And not only freedom: “graduates” were bought housing and given a lifelong allowance, and sometimes even found husbands from among respected officials.

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