Why and when did people start kissing (8 photos)

Today, 10:00
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Kissing on the lips is considered one of the most romantic displays of affection in Western cultures. However, researchers have discovered that it appeared relatively recently in history. In fact, most people in the world don't kiss on the lips at all. So when and why did people start kissing on the lips?

A group of scientists from the University of Nevada in Las Vegas conducted an extensive study that revealed interesting facts. It turns out that kissing on the lips is not a common expression of affection. Only about 46% of the original 168 ethnic cultures consider it romantic. Thus, half the world's population does not kiss on the lips. In some of these cultures, kissing may be used as a form of greeting, but romantic kissing is not common in these cultures.

Australian Aboriginals

Non-kissing peoples have many other ways of expressing love. Researchers have collected a whole collection of such manifestations. Close people and lovers of different nations touch their cheeks, foreheads and other parts of the body. For example, Australian Aboriginal men lean over women and press the bridge of their nose firmly against the bridge of their nose.

On one island in New Guinea, lovers “tickle” each other with their eyelashes as a sign of their feelings. A significant part of the peoples on Earth even consider kissing on the lips disgusting and very unhygienic. From a scientific point of view, this is justified, since with each kiss on the lips, partners transfer about 80 million germs and other microorganisms to each other.

"Dirty Dancing"

In addition, in some cultures, kissing is considered dangerous, as people believe that through it, the soul can be stolen. Even among the 46% of cultures where kissing is still perceived as a romantic expression of affection, a significant proportion believe that kissing in public is indecent. For example, in India today you can be arrested for kissing on the street.


Scientists have found that the appearance of a kiss on the lips occurred relatively recently. They studied ancient painted images and other sources. The first mentions and images of a kiss on the lips are found no earlier than 3500 years ago. For example, the bas-reliefs and drawings of Ancient Egypt depicted many scenes dedicated to love and feelings, but not a single kiss.

But if the kiss was not characteristic of ancient people, why did it appear later? Scientists do not agree on this issue.


One version says that kissing helped potential sexual partners smell each other better. However, this hypothesis is controversial because the ancestors were much more sensitive to odors and therefore did not need to get as close to recognize them.


Another hypothesis comes from the sensitivity of the lips as an organ. Already in babies, the lips are very sensitive, and touching the mother’s breast gives them a vivid sensation. Over time, the sensitivity of the lips and the pleasure of touching them could form such a thing as a romantic kiss.

"Romeo and Juliet" (dir. Franco Zeffirelli)

According to the third version, the appearance of a kiss is associated with food. For example, mothers gave already chewed solid food to their babies mouth to mouth, a behavior also observed in chimpanzees.

"Gone With the Wind"

However, scientists can only say one thing with certainty: a kiss is a sign of civilization. The more complex a culture becomes, the more people kiss.

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