The most unusual turtles in the world (8 photos)

10 October 2024
Category: animals, 0+

These creatures, whose house is always with them, are unique if only because zoologists have never come to a consensus regarding their origin. Some consider turtles to be descendants of cotilosaur lizards, others insist that they descended from parareptiles.

Among these amazing creatures there are also unique ones, and having learned the history of which you continue to be amazed at the creativity of nature.


The African jellyfish is amazing because its special glands emit a smell that horses and people cannot stand. The inhabitants of the Dark Continent are the only known species of turtles that hunt in groups and not alone.

Drunk on tears

Or rather, getting drunk, because the red-bellied short-necked turtle, which lives in the waters off Australia and Papua New Guinea, does not cause others to mourn. And it produces a liquid reminiscent of tears, which flow down the muzzle into the open mouth and quench the thirst of the reptile.


This tiny Australian miracle - the pig-nosed turtle is one of a kind, not only because of the presence of flippers in a freshwater species, but because of its touching snout, which is used not only for breathing, but also for detecting prey.


The ringback humpback turtle, which lives in the Mississippi and Alabama rivers, boasts an unusual shell with spikes that give the animal the appearance of a cone. Or with a dinosaur. To balance the formidable outer part in one organism, nature provided the turtles with a lower part of the shell with delicate patterns.


The eastern long-necked turtle is another resident of Australia and received its name due to an unusual physiological feature - a very long neck, which even partially has to be retracted under the shell. The organ gives the animal a resemblance to a snake. And the turtle also hunts in a similar way.


The Mary River turtle is endemic to the river of this name in the Australian state of Queensland. It is interesting due to the presence of antennae growths under the chin and a long tail. But the most remarkable ability of these punk creatures is the use of algae for camouflage, which creates a hairstyle on their heads that makes them very similar to representatives of an informal subculture.


The Chinese soft-shelled turtle or Chinese trionix is ​​interesting not only for its unusual and somewhat surreal appearance. Nature has endowed this creature with an amazing ability associated with the selection of everything superfluous and unnecessary. The fact is that these turtles excrete urine through the mouth, for which there are special pores in the throat. With this amazing feature, nature has provided the animal with the opportunity to live in salt water without harm to its health. If you swallow a lot of it, which is inevitable, there is a high risk of poisoning. And so Trionics instantly removes excess and completes the process with hygienic procedures - rinsing with the same salt water, which is in abundance around.

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