18 interesting scientific facts about the animal world (19 photos)

3 October 2024
Category: animals, 0+

A selection of strange, surprising and funny facts about the inhabitants of our planet.

Think you're an animal expert? No matter how it is. Every year, scientists learn more and more information about long-known and recently discovered creatures, which cannot but impress with their characteristics and unique talents gifted to them from birth. These discoveries are sometimes so shocking that they seem unreal. What can I say, nature knows how to surprise and even shock at times. Therefore, even if you are sure that you know a lot about wildlife, you may still be interested in briefly plunging into the world of amazing facts, which will certainly share with you new and fascinating information.

The shrimp's heart is in its head

Flamingos are not naturally pink.

Birds are born gray, and only over time their plumage acquires the pink color that is familiar to us. It's all about the birds' diet. It consists of special crustaceans and blue-green algae that contain a natural pink carotenoid dye. This is what makes their feathers so bright and attractive.

McCoy's taipan is the most poisonous snake in the world

One snake bite contains enough venom to kill at least 100 adult men.

Axolotls are able to regenerate lost limbs and even organs

These funny creatures can regrow the same limb up to 5 times and even regenerate damaged parts of their brain.

White-tailed rabbits are the best land jumpers.

They jump to an amazing height of 6.4 meters. If desired, these rabbits could easily participate in the Olympics and take prizes there.

Polar bears have jet black skin under a white coat.

Black leather is great for absorbing and retaining heat. The white fur coat is intended for camouflage among snow and glaciers.

Reindeer eyes turn blue in winter

This adaptive ability allows animals to see better in low light. It’s curious, but in winter some deer’s eyes can turn not only blue, but also green.

Greenland sharks are the longest-living vertebrates on Earth

These deep-sea creatures, found in the cold waters of the North Atlantic, can live up to 400 years.

Honey ants can swell to enormous sizes while eating.

This superpower allows the ants not only to eat plenty (for several weeks in advance), but also to provide nectar to other inhabitants of the anthill. If necessary, they are able to extract the contents of their abdomen back.

There are no male mourning geckos in nature.

This is an entirely female species, capable of self-reproduction without the participation of males. About 70 species of animals in the world have demonstrated this behavior, including some crabs and snails.

Cuvier's beaked whales are the only mammals capable of diving to a depth of 3000 meters

Pigeons can count

Biologists from the University of Otago, in the course of a scientific experiment, discovered that pigeons are able to understand the concepts of “serial number”, “more-less” and learn to distinguish between sets with different numbers of elements.

Some species of snails have hairy shells

These hairs help the creature better adhere to various surfaces.

Snow leopards cannot growl - their ligaments are much less developed than those of other large cats

The sea lion can remember musical rhythms and reproduce them

Blue penguins are the smallest penguin species in the world

Adults reach only 30 centimeters in height.

Bees have two stomachs

One is for food and the other is for storing nectar collected from flowers.

Before becoming a butterfly, the caterpillar turns into jelly

When a caterpillar becomes a pupa, it does not immediately grow wings. First, her body turns into a viscous substance, which some time later transforms into a beautiful insect.

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