20 traditions and features of different countries that many want to adopt (21 photos)

16 September 2024
Category: traveling, 0+

Reddit users were asked, "What tradition/feature that you liked in another country would you implement in your own country?" and they shared their ideas. No envy or comparison, just a sincere desire to make the place where you live a little better!

1. “I was once in France. It was nice that the waitresses were not in a hurry to bring the bill right after the meal. We sat quietly, enjoyed the food, and asked for the bill when we were ready. It turns out that this is not the case everywhere.”

2. “On most sections of the autobahn in Germany there are no speed limits. But well-mannered drivers still overtake only on the far left, and after overtaking they carefully change lanes to the right. Enjoyed driving in Germany!”

3. “I sometimes travel to the Philippines for work. It’s cool that local restaurants have a lot of “family” portions that you can share and try with a large group. Everyone decides together what to order and tries each other’s dishes.”

4. “A friend studied in Geneva for some time. He said that you can comfortably travel anywhere there - from a neighboring city to any European country. Trains, buses, subways and trams went everywhere. Therefore, there is no need to buy a car.”

5. “Lived in Australia. I remember that each area had its own grocery store. The owners knew where every fruit or vegetable in the shop came from. There is also a great cafe culture there, especially outdoor places.”

6. “Free snacks when ordering drinks at a bar is an interesting custom in Italy. And if you eat them, they also refill them for free. When I returned to the bars of my native Canada, I was a little upset.”

7. “We were pleased with the special parking for pregnant women and families with small children in Portugal. Also, there are separate security lines at the airport for families with small children/special needs. Significantly reduces the fuss.”

8. “I was pleased with the Christmas markets in Germany. Every city has its own, which are open throughout the holiday season. Food, shops, entertainment - you won’t get bored there.”

9. “I was in Stockholm, Sweden, and was surprised at how many restaurants there were with outdoor terraces. Every restaurant had terraces with heat lamps and blankets. So you can easily eat outside even in cold weather.”

10. “I lived in Argentina for six months. It’s great that there is public transport on every corner, and everyone has a siesta every day. You can buy fresh food in any area - in a butcher shop, a regular grocery store or a bakery.”

11. “In Japanese restaurants, a wet hand towel is provided before any meal. In addition, every restroom (even public ones) has a bidet, and there are no paper towels. Many people carry a hand towel with them - and therefore the toilets are very clean.”

12. “It’s a great good tradition to dry things on a line outside. It saves energy, and after drying things like this, they smell much better. Of course, I can use a dryer, but I like it much better this way.”

13. “I remember the stone drinking fountains in Italy. Each fountain has clean drinking water - it’s a big help on hot days.”

14. “I lived in a dorm in Germany. We had an area for separating and recycling waste, including a separate compartment for food waste. Also, there was a well-thought-out scheme for returning empty bottles.”

"When you buy a drink, a deposit is already included in the price. You can get this money back by returning empty bottles to the store. The latter are recycled and made into new bottles."

15. “In Korea, there are a lot of convenience stores on every corner. They have literally everything, including healthy convenience foods, a lot of types of ramen, and freshly prepared dishes. I really miss them.”

16. “Coffee bars in Italy. You won’t order any fancy flat whites with coconut milk there. Only espresso shots for about 1 euro.”

17. "Japan has an excellent public transportation system. Regular, safe high-speed trains and buses, affordable travel to anywhere, convenient and fast commuter transportation."

18. “When I was on vacation in Piombino, Italy, every evening the locals went out into the streets, brought out chairs, sat and talked. Someone brought musical instruments and played. It was very cool, you felt such unity.”

19. “I would like the whole world to follow the example of the Japanese in picking up trash and keeping the streets clean.”

20. "Stayed in Panama. I was surprised how many outdoor group fitness classes there were and open gyms along the coastline."

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