Chihuahua: a little ball of anger (11 photos)

12 September 2024
Category: animals, 0+

Interesting facts about a breed of dog familiar to many, which is 50 percent anger and another 50 percent fear.

Chihuahuas - how much is known about them! They are the progenitors of jokes about small evil dogs that shake in the hands of their owners. But few people know that the ancestors of these babies were once sacred pets of the Aztecs. And even earlier they even ran in harnesses! So who are Chihuahuas really, and why are they so viciously cowardly?

Perhaps the history of this breed is the key to understanding the past of the South American tribes and peoples who were the first to populate the new continent. According to scientists, the development of new lands occurred 18-15 thousand years ago. First, people came from Siberia to North America along the Bering Isthmus, and when the ice retreated, the ancients moved south. Naturally, the first settlers took dogs with them. Woolen worked in harness, worked in hunting and did their best to help people in a new place.

The descendants of these dogs still live not only in Canada and North America, but throughout the world. These are the well-known Greenland and Canadian Eskimo dogs, huskies and malamutes. These Bobbies became the first dogs on the continent - before them there were no dogs in both Americas. But what does this have to do with northern sled dogs, if we are talking about Chihuahuas?

Here's the thing. Scientists spent a long time analyzing the DNA of American dogs, but it was worth it. The result was impressive: to put it simply, all the current native breeds of North and South America descended from those first dogs that people brought with them through Berengia. Do you understand now? Huge woolen wolves came to the continent, pulling heavy sledges and sleeping in the snow. And today we see dog testers that get their hearts broken from a loud cry! That is, people didn’t just bring dogs, but engaged in targeted selection! Having understood their motives and methods, you can more accurately describe the life of these peoples - here you have a Chihuahua. Not a dog - but a whole story!

My ancestors transported people. And now people drive me around. Here it is - the boomerang of life!

Today, a huge layer of research on sneezes has been missed. Scientists call the ancestors of modern bobbies the ancient small dogs "Techichi", which lived with the Mesoamericans from 1500 BC to 1600 AD. The Europeans who colonized America and killed the little dogs are responsible for the disappearance of Techichi. The motives for the atrocity are quite clear: for the indigenous people, dogs were part of culture and religion. First the Mayans, and then the Toltecs and later the Aztecs who replaced them, considered the Techichi sacred, sacrificed them and even ate them.

Techichi, by the way, also looked very strange. This is a figurine depicting an ancient breed.

But, fortunately, the conquistadors did not kill all the holy dogs. Remnants of the population survived in outlying settlements, including the Mexican state of Chihuahua. Later, these watchdogs gave rise to modern Chihuahuas.

Later, Europeans became interested in the small animals, and off we go: the breed slowly began to gain popularity. The size of the dogs decreased, and genetic predispositions to all kinds of diseases accumulated. Today, everywhere you look, Chihuahuas are sick throughout the whole dog at once. And yes, many myths about these dogs are not myths at all, but a sad reality.

They say that sneezes are much more aggressive than many large breeds. And this is actually true: scientists have conducted research comparing the size of dogs and the structure of their skulls with their character and anger. As a result, it turned out that small things really bite, and their aggression is directed not only at animals, but also at humans.

The Chihuahua recipe is very simple: 50% hate + 50% fear. Shake, but do not mix!

There are several reasons for this behavior. The first is selection. If the majority of breeders of large watchdogs take a responsible approach to the manifestation of negative character traits, then breeders of small ones turn a blind eye to a biting Chihuahua - it won’t do much harm. This attitude perpetuates bad character in the breed at the genetic level.

The second is the structure of the skull and size. Researchers find a relationship: the smaller the dog and the more its pug looks like a baby's face, the worse it will be. This is because the selection of such dogs is based on obtaining more infantile individuals. And changes in the shape and size of the head invariably lead to problems with the brain and, accordingly, behavior. Add micro size here. Naturally, such dogs will be much more stressed from interacting with brothers of normal height and people, as a result of which they will show aggression. Here's cowardice and malice in one bottle!

Third, the behavior of dog owners. People tend to be overprotective and allow Chihuahuas literally everything they demand. There can be no talk of education here! Add to this the above points - and voila, an evil pocket monster is ready!

As for health, the Chikha is indeed a very sickly and fragile breed. They have collected almost the entire list of diseases that dogs can have. The reason for this, again, is the size and unskilled artisanal breeding. And since the breed is popular, and everyone is their own breeder, the majority of these bobbies suffer in one way or another. This, by the way, can also make them evil. Some brain diseases themselves provoke inappropriate behavior. Well, all other problems only aggravate the situation - try to stay in the spirit when everything hurts!

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