25 insects with the most painful bites (26 photos)

12 September 2024
Category: animals, 0+

Even the smallest insects can sting so painfully that an encounter with them will be remembered for a long time. Scientist Justin Schmidt created a sting force scale for a reason, which shows the intensity of the bite of different insects from 1 to 4. Let's look at the insects that bite the most painfully in the world.

25. Some types of bees

Let's start with something simple. Halictids, carpenter bees, and some other types of bees sting at one point on the Schmidt pain scale. Justin Schmidt described the sting of these bees as "a little spark that singes a hair on your arm" or "the feeling of a slight sunburn."

24. Jumping ants Harpegnathos saltator

Jumping ants Harpegnathos saltator bite at one point on the Schmidt scale. They also have a secret - when they reproduce, their brain size decreases, and then, after a few days, it grows back.

23. Wood ants Pseudomyrmex gracilis

The venom these ants secrete makes you feel like you are being bitten repeatedly. The pain from their bite is also rated at one point - but it lasts longer than that of many other small ants.

22. Red Fire Ant

These ants have a bite rating of one on the Schmidt scale, but their venom can be dangerous for people allergic to certain components. The bite results in small, itchy pimples that remain on the skin for 30 minutes to an hour.

21. Wasps Sphecius grandis

This wasp is known in the United States as the "Western Cicada Killer." They often lay their eggs in cicadas, which they then paralyze. Their bite is rated 1.5 on the Schmidt Pain Index.

20. Honey bee

The most common bee stings a two on the Schmidt scale. Schmidt himself often compares the bites of other insects with the bite of an ordinary honey bee. In general, bees do not pose a threat and sting only as a last resort.

19. Sonoran bumblebee

This is the most common bumblebee in the United States, and it also stings at a two on the Schmidt scale. He can sting you several times in a row if he wants.

18. Wasp

The most common wasp also stings at a level of two on the Schmidt scale. However, these insects are more aggressive than the same bees. Schmidt compares the pain of their bite to "a cigar being put out on your tongue." This pain can last up to 10 minutes.

17. Ants Megaponera analis

These ants live in Africa. Their bite is also rated at two points. More often they move in large groups. If they sting you several times in a row, the pain may last for several days. Seeing these ants, local residents often stop their cars, allowing the ant column to pass - and only then drive through.

16. Mexican honey wasp

These wasps are smaller in size than honey bees, but they also bite by two points. They can sting several times in a row - but more often they do not do this until their nest is threatened.

15. Wasp Parachartergus fraternus

These black wasps are found throughout Central and South America, sting as much as two, and are quite aggressive. They even leave their poison on the nests - it instantly scares away enemies.

14. Common hornet

A hornet sting is rated at two on the pain scale. Like many wasps, it can sting several times in a short period of time. They feed on small insects - including bees and wasps.

13. Odontomachus

Odontomachus is a genus of ants with long, trap-like mandibles. They also sting by two points. They can bite several times in a row.

12. Ants Neoponera villosa

This is one of the largest ant species in all of North America. On the pain scale, their bite is rated at two. The sting causes a burning sensation similar to a fire burn, and the pain can last up to 10 minutes. It is better not to step on their anthill - you will regret what you did.

11. Spotted wasp

The wasp Dolichovespula maculata bites at two points on the Schmidt scale. They usually only sting if you are close to the nest. They mainly feed on flower nectar and eliminate insect pests.

10. Asian hornet

This is the largest hornet in the world. Although its bite is also rated two points, the hornet's venom is deadly - especially if it stings several times in a row. Some hornets can be as large as your palm! They sting if they feel the nest is threatened.

9. Ants Myrmecia pyriformis

These guys are one of the most poisonous ants, and are included in the Guinness Book of Records. They are very large and their bite is rated 2 on the Schmidt Pain Index. The venom from the bite can be fatal if help is not provided promptly.

8. Wasp Polybia sericea

The pain from a Polybia sericea wasp sting is estimated at 2.5 points. Schmidt describes this pain as "like Satan." And also, with their bites they paralyze the caterpillars, which they then feast on.

7. Wasp Polistes metricus

Finally, we got to three bite intensity ratings out of four. Polistes metricus wasps are often found on pest control farms. They are not very aggressive and only sting when they feel threatened. The intense pain from the bite lasts only a minute and then subsides.

6. Ants Euprenolepis procera

The sting of the Euprenolepis procera ant is rated as a three and is approximately 20 times stronger than the sting of a honey bee. The burning pain from the bite is accompanied by swelling and periodic itching, which can last a week.

5. Red Paper Wasps Polistes carolina

These wasps are common in North America and often build nests near people. The pain from their bite is sharp, estimated at three points and lasts 10 minutes.

4. Velvet ants (German wasps)

The velvet ant's sting is almost half the length of its body. If you don't bother them or pick them up, they won't bite. They bite at a level of three on the Schmidt index: the pain can last for half an hour.

3. Synoeca wasps

This wasp stings a whopping four points. Justin Schmidt describes the pain of the sting as “torture,” like “being chained to the mouth of an active volcano.” Immediately after the sting, a sharp pain is felt - and when it goes away, it feels like an electric current is being carried through the body. These wasps are very aggressive, especially when defending their territory .

2. Tarantula Hawk

The Tarantula Hawk is a tropical wasp that stings at a four on the pain scale. Schmidt describes the pain as "instant and electrifying" - so much so that you just want to lie down and scream. Typically, this wasp only attacks when provoked. Their venom causes numbness in the limbs.

1. Bullet Ant

The pain from a bullet ant sting is piercing and can be compared to the pain of being shot. According to the Schmidt scale, he is a record holder and received 4+ points. Schmidt himself compared this pain to “walking on burning coals with a huge nail in your heel.” These ants live in huge colonies of over 3,000 ants. And if one ant stings you, it immediately sends a signal to its fellows that you pose a threat - and they come to the rescue.

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