Babirussa: their fangs grow straight into the brain and pierce it (8 photos)

8 September 2024
Category: animals, 0+

Is it possible to attack with fangs? Certainly! Provoke your cat to aggression and see for yourself. Is it possible to defend yourself with fangs? Naturally! Look at wild boars and elephants, and all your questions will disappear. But is it possible to self-destruct from fangs? It turns out that yes too! But only the Babirussians could think of this.

Babirussa wins the Darwin Award. Her evolutionary decision contributes to her own death!

Residents of Sulawesi and nearby islands call babirussa pig deer. The upper canines of their males are so long that they curl like horns. The animal uses them to protect its eyes and muzzle. Try to reach through the bone armor with your paw or teeth!

Despite the fact that the babirussa is very similar to an ordinary pig, it is only its relative. They are united by the pig-like family.

But the babirussa uses its lower fangs for attack. The pointed peaks are directed forward. It turns out to be an interesting battle combination: the pig uses the upper teeth twisted into a ram’s horn as a shield, and the lower ones as spears. Both defense and attack! Very comfortably. Only there is one “but”.

Well, come on, come over! I am ready to meet you fully armed!

Both pairs of fangs grow throughout life, and this is potentially dangerous. Overgrown lower teeth make it difficult to eat. And the babirussa eats a lot of things: fruits, nuts, carrion. The situation with the upper teeth is even worse: upper fangs that are too long will first pierce the skin and cause pain to the animal. And then the teeth will make a hole in the skull. And that’s it: finita la comedy.

If the fangs are not broken off in time, this could happen...

To prevent this from happening, the babirussa regularly grinds its teeth on hard objects. For example, about other males. Male pig deer have such a tough temperament that even females try to stay away from them. Add to the intolerance and aggression a good 100 kilos of tough bristly skin, fat and muscles, and you will understand why males live alone, away from herds of females with their cubs.

The battle for respect (and damage to fangs).

But from January to August they become even more depressed. At this time, the babirusas are in mating season. Males, maddened by hormones, fight to the last. As a result, the most evil fighter with the longest fangs will be able to impregnate one or several females, after which he will be kicked out of the herd to free bread.

Unlike pigs, female babirusas give birth to only 2 piglets. And all because they have the same number of mammary glands as we do - only 2.

This is not surprising, because there is an atmosphere of support and trust within the group. Yes, ladies can kick out a stranger, but they are polite and sociable with each other. This is especially true for babirussyats. Within a few days after birth, the babies begin to move away from their mother and spend time with other piglets. Females also spend hours of rest in each other's company.

After the mud spa I’ll go and have fun with my girlfriends.

But, unfortunately, in a year or two the males will become hostages of their nature. They will begin to grow large sharp fangs, they will become angrier and rougher. With such in a friendly flock, the conversation is short: shame, exile, lonely life in the rain forests. Sometimes males (especially young ones) stay in groups of 2-3 individuals. But such associations are very unstable. A hot temper does not promote camaraderie within a mini-herd.

You're too old! Leave!

And it's very bad. The Babirusas already have a lot of problems: their forests are being cut down, and the animals themselves are considered tasty and healthy game. And then there are inter-gender graters!

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