8 films in which you sincerely feel sympathy for the villain (9 photos)

7 September 2024
Category: movie, 0+

Everyone loves a bad boy, and nowhere are they more evident than in the movies. Excellent villains have graced our screens from the earliest days of cinema right through to the modern obsession with antiheroes.

However, it takes a special kind of villain to truly win our hearts. The combination and complementarity of such factors as a good script, competent storytelling and, above all, excellent acting - all this is required for the viewer to truly side with the antagonist. Here are 8 villains who are truly likable:

1. Joker/Joker/ 2019 (Arthur Fleck/Joker)

Still from the movie "Joker"

Joker has a long and storied cinematic history, featuring heavyweights such as Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger. And in 2019, in Todd Phillips's Joker, Joaquin Phoenix took the stage and gave us his Scorsese-style take on this iconic villain. Director Todd Phillips, who made a name for himself in the comedies he produced for nearly twenty years, explores the troubles of clown-for-hire Arthur Fleck in this film. And what social circumstances led to who he became. The film makes us wonder what we might do if we were in the protagonist's shoes. Although the main character is not completely sympathetic - after all, he has brutally murdered several people - Joaquin Phoenix's performance turns his character into a person worthy of everyone's sympathy. The catharsis that Fleck experiences when he finally transforms into the Joker becomes a revelation for the audience as well.

2. Training Day/ 2001 (Alonzo Harris)

Still from the film "Training Day"

It's no surprise that an actor as charismatic as Denzel Washington made the list. One of his most iconic roles was that of Alonzo Harris, a corrupt cop tasked with training transferred Los Angeles cop Jake Hoyt (Ethan Hawke). As their training day progresses, we see Alonzo doing all sorts of dirty deeds: robbing drug dealers, confronting ex-cops, and even killing a few people along the way. It is clear to the audience that Alonzo is the villain. So why are we rooting for him? This is all due to Washington's brilliant performance and director Antoine Fuqua's commitment to portraying the character honestly. Even with the rash choices Alonzo makes in the film's third installment, and the many times he puts his partner in grave danger, part of us still wants him to get out of this mess alive.

3. The Silence of the Lambs/ 1990 (Hannibal Lecter)

Still from the film "The Silence of the Lambs"

The Hannibal Lecter franchise has had many ups and downs, not counting the TV adaptation, which is close to perfection. Michael Mann's 1986 Manhunter was a great thriller, but it made very poor use of the character of Hannibal Lecter himself. It was “The Silence of the Lambs” that gave the world the opportunity to see the inimitable Lecter played by Anthony Hopkins for the first time. And today he remains one of the best characters on the big screen. What's even more amazing is that it only took Hopkins 24 minutes and 52 seconds to introduce one of the greatest villains in film history. Well, and at the same time receive an Oscar in the “Best Actor” category. The Silence of the Lambs combines the power of a good script and great acting. Despite Hopkins' hero's alarming dietary requirements, his sheer suaveness and intelligence made it seem like he shouldn't have been locked up in the first place. And his daring escape in the third part of the film seems more than deserved. Because he outsmarted his captors, the FBI, and the entire state of Baltimore to do it.

4. I've had enough!/Falling Down/ 1992 (William Foster)

Still from the film "I've Enough!"

"I'm over it!" is one of the best works in a long line of films where an ordinary person "explodes" due to the injustice of modern society. Following Michael Douglas' William Foster as he breaks down in traffic, we follow his increasingly violent journey to reunite with his wife and daughter. For much of the film, it skillfully portrays Foster as a conventional hero: a principled and courageous man who stands against the evils of modern civilization. Whether it's standing up to mobsters or even violently protesting the bureaucracy of fast food menus, Foster feels like the living embodiment of karmic justice. As the day goes on, and Foster becomes more and more cruel, you involuntarily begin to doubt him. It's only when it's revealed that his wife is actually his ex, who has a restraining order against him, and Foster lost his job months ago, that we realize that our "hero" actually broke down a long time ago. Now that the police know about his crimes and are pursuing him, there is only one way this can end for Muckle Douglas's character. Even though he is rightfully vilified at the end of the film, it's hard not to feel an ounce of sympathy for a man whose life has fallen apart so badly in a matter of weeks.

5. Collateral/ 2004 (Vincent)

Still from the film "Accomplice"

This is a stylish crime thriller from Michael Mann. "Collateral" is about a hitman named Vincent (Tom Cruise), who forces a rude taxi driver, played by Jamie Foxx, to work for him. This role by Tom Cruise is often cited as one of his best works. Hitman Vincent is extremely charismatic and incredibly good at what he does. Thus, the audience develops an involuntary respect for the character. Even despite his fatalistic view of the world and killing people on the list as if it were just an everyday occurrence, Vincent is professional and quite convincing. Thanks to Cruise's impeccable performance and Mann's direction, the viewer is firmly convinced that Vincent deserves to survive until morning alive.

6. Cruella/ Cruella/ 2021 (Estella/ Cruella Deville)

Still from the movie "Cruella"

Trying to reimagine puppy killer Cruella Deville was an interesting move on Disney's part. Throughout the film, viewers witness how young Estella, played by Emma Stone, becomes an orphan at the hands of some rabid Dalmatians. She then becomes a street criminal and eventually begins her meteoric rise in the London high fashion scene. In order to become the "Cruella" we know, Estella's actions become more and more negative as the story moves forward, she even begins to alienate her childhood friends. Despite this transformation, the audience still cares about her because they know the real her and know that Cruella is not only a product of a sick society, but also the embodiment of Estella's great talent. The cool soundtrack and crazy costumes definitely help too.

7. Oil/There Will Be Blood/ 2007 (Daniel Plainview)

Still from the film "Oil"

The 15-minute introduction of the film captivates the main character. Watching him break his leg in pursuit of oil, only to crawl on his belly for many kilometers before receiving help and compensation, shows us that Mr. Plainview is not an ordinary man, but a man of exceptional endurance and determination. And Daniel Day-Lewis gives perhaps the best performance of his career here. Whether the protagonist confronts his own deaf son, fleeces an entire town, or outright murders a violent priest played by Paul Dano, Plainview stops at nothing to ascend to the throne of an oil-soaked empire. And it's truly a thrilling spectacle, fueled by seeing the greatest actor of a generation firing on all cylinders.

8. Heat 1995 (Neil McCall)

Still from the film "Heat"

Another Michael Mann film on the list that masterfully combines ideas of good and bad. The story follows veteran bank robber Neil McCall (Robert De Niro) and his gang of thieves. They plan their next big heist and throughout the story we see them evade capture and get into a fight with police officer Vincent, played by Al Pacino. Neil carries himself with care and professionalism, which commands respect. You might even think that he is a doctor or a lawyer, and not a hardened criminal. And the legendary dinner conversation between him and Lieutenant Vincent only confirms our love for this villain. They are similar to each other in their worldview and the boredom that occurs in their daily lives. And we get the distinct feeling that in another universe these two opposites would be best friends. In this film, it's impossible not to root for De Niro and company as they try to pull off their heist without casualties while adhering to a strange but noble criminal code of ethics.

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