People from different countries told what tourists absolutely should not do (21 photos)

7 September 2024
Category: traveling, 0+

On a Reddit forum, someone asked the question: “What is one thing you absolutely should not do when visiting your country?” — and the discussion of unwritten rules turned out to be quite interesting. It has long been known that every hut has its own rattles! And it’s better to know about them so as not to look like an ignorant tourist.

1. Norway

“There are two places in Norway where the borders of three countries meet. One is located at the point of contact between Norway, Sweden and Finland. You can walk around a border sign and say, “Now I’m in Finland, now I’m in Sweden, and now I’m in Norway.” The sign is by the lake, so they put a wooden walkway around it so people could do it.

There is also a point in Norway where the borders of Norway and Finland meet. But if you try to repeat the trick of bypassing the border pillar there, you are unlikely to succeed. Just keep that in mind."

2. UK

"Great Britain. There is always some kind of queue here. Even if there doesn't seem to be a line, just look around and politely ask those around you if they are standing in line. I know this sounds like a joke, but it's actually not. There's always a queue and tourists always ignore it, and that's usually why tourists have a bad reputation in the UK."

3. Germany

“If you come across a monument, an art installation or something similar in Berlin, treat it with respect. There is a high probability that this is some kind of memorial dedicated to the victims of World War II. You wouldn’t believe how many tourists manage to have a picnic on the concrete coffins of murdered and tortured people.”

4. Czech Republic

“I'm from the Czech Republic. Every tourist should know what privacy is. If you are an American video blogger, don't come to us. You will be arrested if you interfere in someone else's life. We Czechs do not tolerate such behavior."

5. Ireland

“You shouldn’t order an Irish Car Bomb cocktail in a pub.” There is no such drink here, and the name goes back to the Troubles, a dark time in our country’s history when people north and south of the border lost loved ones.”

6. Austria

“If you are hiking in the Austrian mountains with your dog, put him on a leash. Cows may harm you if they sense danger. In general, don’t disturb the cows and stay away from them.”

7. Louisiana, USA

“When in Louisiana, remember that a swamp is not a lake. It's amazing how many tourists and northerners try to swim in a swamp infested with alligators! A bunch of people have already died, a Chinese tourist had her arm blown off, and another guy lost his dog after throwing a ball into the water. Besides crocodiles, we also have bull sharks.”

8. Canada

“If you’re in Canada, don’t even think about touching our geese. Thank you".

9. USA

“Don't touch the bison. It doesn't matter that they are herbivores and look furry. They are incredibly strong and if they are in a bad mood they can kill you.”

10. UK

"Don't touch the royal guards."

11. Barbados

“I live in Barbados. Don't wear camouflage here. It's illegal unless you're a member of the military."

12. Italy

"Italy. Why are there so many morons (mostly tourists) climbing on monuments, scratching and desecrating them? Do they really think it's cool to scrawl their stupid name on someone else's thousand-year-old heritage? Besides being barbaric and ignorant, Italian taxpayers pay millions every year to restore monuments. I’m a peaceful person, but if I caught anyone doing this, I’d shoot them on the spot.”

13. Australia

“Don’t travel into the countryside without making sure you have enough fuel. It’s not for nothing that you see so many abandoned cars on the highway.”

14. Denmark

“When visiting Denmark, do not sit next to people on public transport if there are other empty seats. Don't talk to strangers on public transport. The Danes are very sensitive to their personal space and privacy. Besides, they don’t really like small talk.”

15. USA

“I am in the USA. Apparently, in other countries it is customary, when a policeman stops you on the road, to take the documents out of the glove compartment yourself and bring them to him. Don't do this in the US. This is a great way to get shot or tasered.

If you get out of your car without an order, it will be perceived as a hostile act and the officer will proactively defend himself.

Stay in the car with the windows down. Keep your hands visible (you can lean on the steering wheel). If you need to reach somewhere, tell the officer exactly what you are doing, for example: “My passport is in my jacket pocket, I’ll take it out now.” Be polite, apologize, and you'll likely be let off with a warning."

16. Brazil

“If you come as a tourist to Brazil, especially to a large city, do not flash your smartphone while walking along the streets. Then there is a chance that you will not be robbed.”

17. South Africa

“Don’t ask where the animals are in South Africa, we don’t have lions roaming the streets, you’re more likely to encounter wildlife somewhere at home than here.”

18. USA

“You shouldn’t drive through the desert in the southwest. This dirt road probably hasn't seen a car in ten years, and if you puncture a tire where it's washed out, you'll turn into a pile of bones faster than you think."

19. Alberta, Canada

“You shouldn’t try to pet/feed the bears. For some reason, tourists who come to Banff think of bears as mascots or something like that.”

20. USA

“You shouldn’t go to Hollywood expecting something special. Also, don't spend a ton of money just to see celebrity homes on one of the bus tours. But it’s worth visiting all the museums in the Los Angeles area, they are very interesting. And the beaches are not bad either.”

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