“Who controls it and why?”: several researchers decided to prove that we live in a computer game (4 photos)

25 August 2024
Category: miscellaneous, 0+

Elon Musk adheres to the same theory.

There is a simulation hypothesis that the entire reality around us is a computer simulation. And supposedly it adapts both to all people and to each individual.

Well, this is so that no one gets stuck in the pixels. Or didn't go through the doors on the subway.

The most prominent supporter of this hypothesis is the richest man on the planet, Elon Musk. Judging by his condition, he still knows something. Although there are other researchers who share the same point of view. For example, Nick Bostrom, he has been defending his position on the “matrix” since the late 1990s. Maybe his film inspired him that way or he really saw something behind the surface of reality.

There's also Melvin Wopson from the University of Portsmouth. He also believes that we are surrounded by blatant simulation and studies it with the help of a relatively new scientific discipline - information physics. It assumes that space, time and matter have no fundamental meanings and consist of bits of information. Here opinions differ: some consider the simulation to be outright nonsense, but others are inclined to think that it exists, of course.

Another adept of the simulation is Mark Lee. He filmed an entire program on this topic and stated:

I have a degree, so think about it rationally,” he says. -Can life be a computer game? The question is, who controls it and why?” Nick Pope headed the UFO department of the British Ministry of Defense in the 90s. Mark Lee reports his words: “What if aliens are imposing their own crazy religions on us?” “The way science is developing shows that in quantum physics there are things that cannot be explained - we do not know how the Universe works. There may be other dimensions that explain things that are not based here in this reality,” he says. “If we are visited, it will most likely be a drone, not a flesh and blood creature. They can also bypass us and communicate with our artificial intelligence.”

In general, he lumped everything together: UFO, simulation, artificial intelligence... And cast a shadow over the fence. The same Melvin Wopson approached the issue more thoroughly and proposed to prove the fact of simulation by searching for a fifth type of matter. Supposedly it fills the bits of information that make up our Universe.

By the way, many believe that there is no fifth type of matter and cannot exist. But this is already in the realm of guesswork and scientific debate. And in general, when they show a man walking through a wall or soaring in the air, then we will believe in these matrices and simulations of yours.

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