Plants and mushrooms that are partly like us (10 photos)

21 August 2024
Category: nature, 0+

Nature is a great entertainer. And among her creations you can find very original ones - plants and mushrooms that quite accurately reproduce some of the details of the human body.

Many of them are completely harmless, but look quite scary.

Hell's Hand

The Anthurus Archer mushroom is popularly known as “devil’s fingers.” A representative of the Veselkova begins to crawl out of the ground like a zombie hand. Which, as it ripens, turns red and turns into a devil's hand. It is not dangerous for people, but due to the specific smell of rotten meat, which the fungus uses to attract flies to carry spores, “fingers” are not eaten.


Ground meat. How to eat minced meat. Ascocorine meat is a gelatinous mushroom that lives on dead wood, more like a preparation for cutlets. But if you want, you can also see the lobes of a human ear in it.

Fundamental ear

If in the previous copy a part of the body is only guessed, then in this case the similarity is, as they say, photographic. The ear-shaped auricularia is very similar to the organ of hearing. The mushroom is delicious, rich in protein, contains a lot of iron and calcium and helps cope with excess cholesterol.

Small head

More precisely, a skull. Snapdragon forms such a box after flowering has finished. The petals fall and the achene opens, from the holes of which seeds fall. Several legends are associated with this plant. According to the first, the land where such mini-turtles are found is guaranteed to be free from witchcraft and magic. And the second legend says that a woman who tastes a flower will retain her beauty until the end of her days. But you shouldn’t blindly believe the legends: the plant is poisonous, so it’s better to refrain from eating it.

Multi-station operator

Rhodotus palmate is an unusual mushroom that, depending on the level of illumination, can take on the appearance of a variety of internal organs, from the heart muscle to the lung. The surreal substance with a network of indentations is unusual, but inedible.

The center of everything

False morels are similar to brains. But when collecting these mushrooms, you must include your own. Since a fifth of all deaths from mushroom poisoning occur precisely because of confusion - the similarity of false and real morels. Some lovers of gastronomic extremes eat false morels after special long-term processing. But even after this, you may encounter problems such as diarrhea, vomiting and even liver failure.

Alluring lips

Psychotria sublime - an inhabitant of the tropics with its shape, reminiscent of plump girlish lips, attracts pollinators. After the bracts open, inflorescences and small berries form between them. Psychotria is expectedly considered a symbol of love. It has also established itself as an effective remedy for respiratory diseases and skin problems.

They are eaten and they watch

People call this plant doll's eyes. The white raven has nothing in common with dolls and fun in reality. Because it contains a toxin that is deadly to humans. Some species of birds are immune to it and calmly peck at the “eyes,” facilitating the transfer of seeds.

Bloody tooth

It’s a stretch, but still in this mushroom you can find a resemblance to a bleeding human tooth. Hydnellum Peca or Bloody tooth in the dark releases excess moisture that accumulates in the pulp. It is not poisonous, but due to its strong pungency and bitterness it is not eaten.

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