8 reasons why Japan is better than Europe (5 photos)

10 August 2024
Category: traveling, 0+

Many people in the world look up to Europe. Like, there is civilization there - and there are all the goodies for a good life. However, Twitter user Vyacheslav disagrees with this. He spoke about his feelings after a recent trip to Japan - and identified 8 criteria that impressed him most.

1. Politeness and mutual respect

I have never met more polite people anywhere in the world. Even Japanese strangers, when approached, will always smile, make several respectful bows during the dialogue, and sincerely try to help. You especially appreciate it when you see that approximately 99% of Japanese people do not speak English and turn on Google Translate in front of you - it’s so cute!

In service, for example, it is a priori believed that maximum courtesy to the client is the fundamental duty of the staff, so they are afraid to even think about your tips. Several times the waiters in front of us squatted down when taking our order so as to be in the space below us and not look at us from above.

Despite the high population density (6.5 thousand/km2 in Tokyo versus 4 thousand in Berlin and 5 thousand in Moscow), people treat each other with the utmost respect, and society functions coherently and harmoniously, as a single integral organism, where mutual respect. The main principle of any Japanese is to interfere with yourself, but never interfere with your neighbor. The principle of a European in society - I don’t care about everyone, I’m not doing anything illegal!

2. Comfort is in the little things

Here you can list such things for a long time, only the famous vending machines are already worth something. For example, parking lots for renting umbrellas at the exits of metro stations and in different places - you rent them after the metro for 1.5 euros, walk through it in the rain, and rent them out at another location. With the same umbrella you go to the supermarket, there is a device at the entrance for free packaging of your umbrella in cellophane so that rivers of rain don’t flow from it throughout the store. Or, wildly for example, packages of pies that are properly designed for easy biting, so that you can tear off part of the package exactly where you need it, without getting jam and fat all over your face and hands, and without looking like a European.

3. Public toilets

Western Europeans are in severe shock from the inexplicable economic miracle of the Japanese, because the latter somehow have a couple of extra yens from taxes in order to install a public, clean and free toilet in cities and national parks every 100 meters! Some of them are very beautiful, with automatically dimming windows.

As a result, when you walk around the city, you don’t have to look for the nearest cafe just to pee, no German schoolchildren literally pissing on people at the bus stop, since in Germany there are approximately 0 public toilets for every 100 meters.

4. Cleanliness

Despite millions of people in one city and the almost complete absence of public trash cans, everywhere in Japan the streets are clean. I'm serious, there aren't even any cigarette butts lying around. In Germany or France, on the contrary, under every tree and on the side of the sidewalks there is a continuous mess of bottles, napkins, sanitary pads, packs of cigarettes, that you are disgusted to leave the house and don’t want to go for a walk

Why did Japan learn to be clean on a cultural level? There you perceive cleanliness as the norm, and you don’t even pay attention to it.

5. Law and order

In Japan, almost everyone strictly follows the laws and understands what they are for. Your phone will never be stolen there (locals), and if you forget your bag on a bench, it will lie there waiting for you until the next morning, until a police patrol notices it. Borders, oh my God, it turns out, can also be protected according to the law!

Therefore, there are simply no savages from the Middle East or nearby peacefully religious countries in the country. As a result, people live safely and long. As for order: how I enjoyed it when, when entering public transport or anywhere else, people simply silently organize themselves into a queue without further ado. In Europe, everyone is rushing forward chaotically, while extremely balancing on the border between having time to climb and at the same time not accidentally fighting.

6. Public transport

It's relatively cheap in Japan, super clean and super punctual! Although punctuality of transport second to second is the norm, which a healthy person does not need to admire, but after living in Europe (and especially Germany) I cannot help but admire how smoothly public transport runs in Japan. Over almost 10 trips, we saw our train late only once by 3 minutes, after which the workers walked through the carriages several times and apologized and bowed to the passengers!

7. Silence in public places

Almost no one chats while in a crowd. Here comes a stream of a billion people and almost everyone is silent, or speaks to each other almost in a whisper, no one wants to disturb others with their chatter. You appreciate this and become the same, thank you Japanese, I love you for this.

8. Prices

Contrary to expectations, many things in Japan, especially food, cost about 30% less than in European countries. With comparable “net” salaries. It is clear that they have had deflation for many years - and this is also bad, but I am talking about the ratio of prices to wages, about the purchasing power of the Japanese for such things.

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