22 unknown facts about the film “300”, which united Iranian society (11 photos + 2 videos)

8 August 2024
Category: movie, 0+

One of the most famous moments in cinema is the words of Leonidas, “This is Sparta!”, which he shouts before throwing the Persian delegation into a well. In the film, this phrase seems ideal, but on the set everything was completely different.

Initially, Gerard Butler was supposed to say the words “This is Sparta” in a quiet but menacing voice. But after the next take, he asked director Zack Snyder for another try and screamed at the top of his voice. The actors standing behind Gerard had trouble holding back their laughter, so Butler asked Snyder, “Was that too much?” Zach replied, “Yes! But it was amazing!” So ordinary improvisation became one of the iconic scenes in cinema.

1. The film is based on the 1998 comic book of the same name by Frank Miller, which, in turn, was inspired by the 1962 film of the same name directed by Rudolf Mate. Zack Snyder reproduced Miller's comic almost exactly. Gerard Butler recalled that he was uncomfortable due to the fact that Snyder extinguished any improvisation and demanded strict adherence to the storyboard based on the comic book.

2. Seven-year-old Leonid is played by Eli Snyder, Zack Snyder’s son from his first marriage to Denise Weber.

3. During a meeting with the ephors, Leonidas describes the strategy of the war with the Persians: “From there they will be forced to go to the passage called the Fire Gates” (“We will funnel them into a mountain pass we call the Hot Gates”). The name of “Thermopylae”, the gorge where the historical battle took place, is indeed translated from Greek as “Fire/warm gate”.

4. The Ephor Girl (Kelly Craig) was filmed underwater in the pool.

5. Spartans used props (particularly weapons and armor) from Troy (2004) and Alexander (2004). Also take a closer look at the performer of the roles of Eudora and Artemy. It's Vincent Regan!

6. The role of the “immortal” giant was played by former wrestler, Canadian Robert Maillet. Height – 216 cm, weight – 159 kg.

7. The last words of Leonidas to Ephialtes (Andrew Tiernan). In the English version - “May you live forever” (~ “live forever”). This is a more accurate reflection of the life philosophy of the Spartans, for whom the highest good was to die heroically in a righteous battle.

8. For Gerard Butler, 17 helmets were made with varying degrees of wear, corresponding to the stages of the battle. Please note that only Leonidas has a helmet with feathers. This is one of the compromises with history for the sake of the “picture”. So every viewer can understand where the king is and where the ordinary warrior is.

9. Tim Connolly, who played Father Leonid, also doubled for Gerard Butler in the most dangerous scenes.

10. Michael Fassbender's first big-budget blockbuster (Stelios).

11. The film was shot in 60 days. Post-production took over a year.

12. Only 10 liters of artificial blood were used during filming. Anything else resembling blood was added in post-production.

13. During a meeting with the Persian ambassador, Leonidas calls the Athenians “connoisseurs of boys.” In the film's sequel, 300: Rise of an Empire, the Athenians call the Spartans the same way. How confusing everything is!

14. Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) has 33 piercings.

15. The film united Iranian society. Regardless of political orientation, everyone unanimously declared that the film is a complete #$%#@% and a mockery of history for the sake of the current geopolitical agenda.

16. Almost all scenes were shot using chromakey technology. Of these, 90% are for blue screen and 10% for green.

17. Zack Snyder is a big fan of tattoos. He still has some space left on his body, which he saves for special occasions :) The goat-minstrel image was created by Snyder’s personal tattoo artist, Adam Forman.

18. During the passage of Leonidas with the Persian ambassador through the streets of Sparta, a Persian kitten sits on the roof of the house on the right.

19. The name “Sparta” and its derivatives are heard 72 times in the film. Now you know everything about this film :) However, here’s another thing: 585 people are killed in the film. King Leonidas personally kills 33 Persian soldiers, 1 ambassador and 1 wolf.

20. 10 (ten!) studios from three continents took part in the creation of special effects for the film.

21. In his parting words to the soldiers before the final battle, Leonidas promises “dinner in hell.” No hell existed then: the Battle of Fermopilae took place in 480 BC. Leonidas promised “dinner with Hades” (English: Hades – Hell).

22. Budget - $65 million, box office - $456 million. This is one of the highest-grossing comic book adaptations in the history of cinema.

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