Movie cliches and cliches related to cars (6 photos)

4 August 2024
Category: movie, 0+

Probably, almost every modern film has episodes in which the main characters drive a car. They talk in the car, and we listen to them and watch the plot.

I always try to guess how this scene was filmed. For example, the car is simply located in the pavilion, and the landscape outside the window is simply “painted”. Or the car is on a platform that is attached to another car, and therefore a real illusion is created that the actors are really driving the car. It also happens, very rarely, that an actor actually drives a car, and he is filmed by a camera mounted in front.

With modern technologies, filming a trip in a car with maximum “reality” is not so difficult. In old films you can immediately see “combined” shooting, when frames run that stand out both in “tone” and in speed. But there this is fully explained by the cumbersomeness of the filming equipment.

And in this publication I would like to list various cliches and other patterns associated with cars in movies.

Most often, these clichés are found in American-made action films. But, like any “film innovation,” it has already penetrated into world cinema, and therefore is found in many films.

1. The main character runs up to the car, breaks the glass, opens the door, gets in and drives away. How so? It looks like there are no keys in the car. It is clear that specialists can start a car without keys, but they are specialists. Yes, and they need time.

2. If suddenly the lack of fuel icon lights up on the instrument panel, the car immediately stalls. But there is an indication that tells you that the fuel is running low, and therefore you can drive another fifty kilometers.

3. In general, of course, it’s interesting why such a cool car enthusiast will never even look at the panel to make sure how much fuel is there, since the car is not his.

4. Even when the main character quickly throws the driver out of the car, gets behind the wheel himself, quickly backs up, and then starts abruptly with a slip, he doesn’t even look at the gear shift lever, where the gear selection is indicated. He doesn’t even spend a tenth of a second on this matter. He probably drove all the cars. And even on the Lada Kalina.

5. When the main character is driving a car and a character is sitting next to him, his actions do not coincide with what is happening. But he is an experienced driver, who can easily look at the character with his face and at the road with his ear. At the same time, when driving, he either turns the steering wheel strongly back and forth, or does not turn it at all, and the car changes lanes and turns itself.

6. While driving, the driver looks in the rearview mirror only in one case - if someone is sitting behind him. At the same time, we are always shown this moment. And we already know that if we are shown this moment, then something bad will happen.

7. When villains shoot at a car, it explodes if the bullet hits the gas tank.

8. No matter what happens to the car, it always drives if the scenario requires it. Even if he turned over eight times and flew over obstacles three times using a springboard.

9. The main characters find an ancient Mustang in the garage, which has not been driven for many years, and the car itself is covered with dust. Without any maintenance, they start the car and drive to the neighboring state.

10. If you take a turn “drifting”, you can break away from the chase. He knows how to “drift”, but he doesn’t see the fact that after a turn he will run out of gas.

11. It makes absolutely no difference what the weather is like or the time of day - rain, snow, night. The main character always drives the car the same way.

12. If suddenly the car breaks down or is completely wrecked, he takes it to a car service center, and there they repair it... well, very quickly.

13. An action hero easily shoots while moving, when he steers with one hand and shoots with the other. Naturally, he doesn’t look at the road, as he takes careful aim, leaning out the window.

14. “Here, hold the steering wheel!” - the main character shouts to the passenger while he shoots back. The passenger turns the steering wheel with his left hand in horror. But everything is fine. There have never been cases where in this situation a passenger suddenly suddenly turned the steering wheel in the wrong direction, even if he was never the driver.

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