10 actors who honestly admitted that they played in these films only for the money (11 photos)

3 August 2024
Category: movie, 0+

Agree, we did not expect that people of art do everything solely for the sake of art. When on the horizon someone waves a decent wad of money at you, you can throw away some principles, the desire for something lofty and just do your job well. And then receive the translation.

Such an attitude to business in the world of big cinema is so natural that some actors do not hide which side of certain projects attracted them most. Namely, salary. Let's look at a few specific examples, and if you watched these films, remember if it seemed to you that those in question did not play their role to their full potential.

Alec Guinness

He starred in the original Star Wars trilogy solely for the sake of money.

Apart from the money, which should keep me comfortable for a year, I regret taking up the film. I like them, but this is not acting work.

Glenn Close

This is how the actress commented on her appearance in the film “Guardians of the Galaxy” (2014):

I did two independent films this summer and had a blast with some fantastic actors, but in August I'm going to be starring in a Marvel sequel and I'm going to be the head of the galaxy's police...

I'm doing this because it will allow me to do other films that I really enjoy and hopefully have a great time.

Jackie Chan

For the sake of money, he starred in the film “Rush Hour” (1998).

I have reasons for doing every film, I have something to say. Except for Rush Hour. There was no particular reason, you just give me the money and I'm in business. I don't like Rush Hour, but ironically it was very successful in the US and Europe.

Harrison Ford

Even without his statements, it was clear to everyone that the actor starred in the film “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” (2015) solely for the sake of money. But there is also a statement, quite laconic. On Jimmy Fallon's show, the host asked if Ford felt any emotion while wearing Han Solo's signature outfit, and Harrison answered honestly:

No, I just got paid.

Ben Affleck

He honestly said in an interview that the reason why he starred in the film “Hour of Reckoning” (2003) was stated in the very title of the film (in the original “Paycheck”).

Michael Caine

In his 1992 memoir, the British actor wrote that he starred in Jaws 4: The Revenge (1987) for the money. For a week of work he received one and a half million dollars.

I've never seen this movie, but apparently it was terrible. However, I have seen the house that I built and it is amazing.

Note that Steven Spielberg no longer had anything to do with this film, and the fourth part (like the third) really has disastrous ratings.

Gary Oldman

He honestly answered why we might see him in the 2014 RoboCop remake:

Why am I in this film? Money. I'm at the mercy of what the industry does and how much of it comes through my door.

Eddie Murphy

This is how he commented on his participation in the film “Best Defense” (1984):

Paramount was determined to cast me in the film. In the end they came back with an offer - a million dollars for work for about a couple of weeks. Now I want you to tell me what 22 year old guy would turn down a million dollars for two weeks of work?

Jeremy Irons

He described his participation in the film “Dungeon of Dragons” (2000) in the following words, citing the story of another actor from this collection:

I just bought a castle! I had to pay for it somehow. Like Alec Guinness in Star Wars, I had to bring some seriousness to the project.

Morgan Freeman

When the actor was asked what attracted him to London Has Fallen (2016), Freeman sang a line from the song "For the Love of Money" that goes like this:

Money money money

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