13 “normal” situations that are rare in some countries (14 photos)

31 July 2024
Category: traveling, 0+

Everyone knows that all countries of the world have their own traditions. What may seem normal to one people is a very serious sign of disrespect to another. Therefore, it never hurts to replenish your knowledge base in this area, so as not to get into trouble while traveling.

1. Tips

In China, South Korea, Japan and Singapore, it is not customary to leave a tip; in fact, it is even prohibited and can be considered an insult. Service personnel in these countries receive good salaries and consider it their duty to do their job to the best of their ability.

2. Sit in the back seat of a taxi

In countries such as Australia, New Zealand and Israel, passengers usually sit next to the driver rather than in the back seat.

3. Thumbs up gesture

In Afghanistan, Iran, West Africa and even in some places in Italy and Greece, giving a thumbs up gesture is very offensive. In Greece it means “shut up”, and in Muslim countries it is an obscene gesture.

4. Beckon with your finger

If you want to ask someone to come to you in the Philippines by beckoning them with your finger, then it is better not to do this. There it is considered a very serious insult and is used for prostitutes or this gesture is used to call dogs.

5. Left hand

In much of the Middle East and Africa, India and Sri Lanka, it is considered dirty to use your left hand. Giving a gift with this hand is a complete insult, and one does not eat food with the left hand either.

6. Peace sign

In the UK, Ireland, Australia and South Africa, this gesture, with only the palm facing you, is considered rude and means “fuck off.”

7. Buddhist head

In countries professing Buddhism, it is forbidden to touch people's heads. Although in our country the “pat on the head” gesture is considered friendly.

8. Lateness

Being late in Spain is a law of life; here it is even customary to be late not only for personal meetings, but also for work. But if you are late in Germany, it will be perceived as disrespect.

9. Laughing with your mouth open

In Japan, it is considered very unpleasant to laugh with your mouth open, especially if you are a woman.

10. Hands in pockets

The hands-in-pockets gesture is considered arrogant and disrespectful in Turkey.

11. Shoe sole

In Arab culture, it is considered disgusting to show the sole of a shoe to your interlocutor, since it is perceived by Arabs as the quintessence of spiritual and physical dirt.

12. Gifts

In India, it is considered impolite to open a gift immediately after it has been given to you, and in front of the person who gave it to you. This is an act of greed.

13. Blowing your nose in public

In some places, such as Korea, France, Turkey and Japan, blowing your nose in public is considered very rude.

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