20 cases when Internet experts helped people understand what kind of unknown animals they met (21 photos)

29 July 2024
Category: animals, 0+

There are times when we find something extremely unusual, something we have never seen before in our lives. Living beings are especially perplexed. But Internet experts will always come to the rescue!

Reddit users showed photographs of the creatures that they happened to meet on their way, and true experts determined what kind of unknown animals they were!

Mysterious frog from Mozambique

This little one is a marbled reed frog.

“Does anyone know who this little guy is?”

Yes, this is a baby marmot!

What kind of handsome guy poses so perfectly?

Guys, this is a Comorian day gecko (Phelsuma laticauda).

The snake that ate after six

My dad and I saw this guy while hiking in the dunes of West Michigan. As we passed by, it suddenly flattened out. What could it be?

This is the eastern hog-nosed snake. Absolutely harmless!

A duck who knows a lot about sarcasm

My friend sent me a photo of this bird and claims that it is a real animal.

Well yes, she is real. This is a spectacled eider. They're actually quite funny.

What kind of bug is this?

This is definitely a weevil. Possibly Rhyephenes humeralis (Chilean pine weevil).

"Can anyone identify this giant slug?"

This is the red triangle slug (Triboniophorus graeffei).

“I found this lizard in my garage in Southern Nevada.”

This is a sun horned lizard. By the way, if she is very scared, she can shoot blood from the corners of her eyes.

“These guys showed up in my parents' backyard in Illinois.”

I think these are sandhill cranes.

“Sea mouse? Sea snail? What is this?"

Aphrodite is a genus of marine polychaete worms found in the Mediterranean Sea and the eastern and western Atlantic Ocean. By the way, yes, it is called a sea mouse.

“My friend saw this at the dentist's office. What is this?"

This bristly pleco is just an albino.

“Does anyone know who this handsome guy is?”

This is probably a sharp-backed musk turtle.

Something creepy from Italy

This is a male tube spider.

Some very clever kid

This is a rock hyrax. They are also called fatties.

What kind of breed is this?

My wife thinks he is a cross between a Wire Fox Terrier and a Bichon Frize.

Who is this handsome guy?

This is the Spanish Shawl nudibranch.

A furry guy who's seen some things in his life

Yes, this is a binturong! It is sometimes called a bear cat. Fun fact: they smell like popcorn!

“What lived in this shell? Found on the beach, Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington, USA"

Most likely this is a chiton.

This baby was found in southeastern Saudi Arabia

Looks like a white-toothed shrew.

“Found in Phuket, Thailand. Is this some kind of starfish?

You are very lucky - this is a feather star, a relative of the sea star.

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