Top strange and unexpected things that students brought to school (12 photos)
One of the social networks conducted a survey where teachers were asked to tell what unusual objects their students brought to school. Below we provide some answers.
Sea bass
One day one of the students brought a sea bass, which he used to hit other children in the face during recess, challenging them to a duel. This continued until the teacher took the “weapon” away from the duelist.
A little dog
Another animal lover brought a Chihuahua to school. The poor animal sat in the backpack the entire time the child was in class.
Wedding ring
One of the teachers at a preschool institution told how a four-year-old boy brought his mother’s engagement ring and gave it to his six-year-old lover. The next time he brought the keys to his father’s car and a bottle opener.
Another schoolgirl decided to show off her younger brother to her classmates and brought a baby to school, who was only a week old. The most amazing thing is that the girl’s parents didn’t even notice that she was missing.
A young Bacchus fan managed to smuggle hand sanitizer into school and then drink it. But it all ended disastrously, the drug was confiscated, and the child was poisoned.
Strange cult object
In one school, a teacher confiscated a pineapple from students, which they used as a deity and actively worshiped.
Wild badger
Another young naturalist from the second grade brought a wild badger to school. As a result, the badger escaped, causing a commotion in the school. The administration was forced to announce an evacuation and call animal control. The parents could not explain where their child got the badger from. The second-grader himself decided to wisely remain silent and not answer provocative questions.
Ear piercing gun
Girls are not far behind boys in creativity. One of the students brought an ear piercing gun to school to make her friends even more beautiful during lunch break. I had to confiscate it.
Bringing a grasshopper to school is a minor offense, but calling a grasshopper Aristotle will cause an uproar from the philosophy teacher.
Tattoo machine
In the eighth grade, the struggle for beauty reaches a new level. That's why they bring a tattoo machine to school to give each other tattoos on their hands and other parts of the body.
Fish in a vase
A school locker can hold a lot of strange objects, but it certainly isn't designed to hold a large painted vessel with a betta fish swimming in it. Despite the investigation, none of the children admitted who owned it. Therefore, the fish “moved” to the office of one of the teachers.