16 touching pictures of beavers that make you smile and lift your spirits (17 photos)

Yesterday, 10:00
Category: animals, 0+

Beavers are amazing animals, magnificent builders, true engineers in the natural kingdom. Besides, they are very cute. If you have never seen a beaver in person or have seen it, but it did not evoke tender feelings in you, then I bring to your attention a selection of photographs that will make you smile and be touched.

Is it possible to resist and not take a selfie with such a beaver smiling in front of the camera?

These two are even somewhat similar.

These beavers are still very small

They live in the American Northwest Trek Wildlife Park where they are well cared for.

Even beavers have outfits

This one is wearing a bee costume. An unexpected choice, but it suits him.

Baby rescued after floods separated him from parents

In the picture he is with his savior.

These two love sweet potatoes and spend all their time with each other.

And this guy got something tasty, which he was obviously very happy about

Water procedures

This and other captured beavers are carefully washed after the oil spill. By the way, their dams contained the spread of the oil slick.

Either the girl is trying to match the smiling beaver, or he is trying to match her

But the photo definitely turned out very positive.

However, even beavers cannot compare with the most smiling animals - quokkas.

What a delicious mixture

You have to hold the syringe with your paws, otherwise they’ll suddenly take it away.

“What do you have that’s delicious for me, human? I'm looking forward to"

Let's pose a little for a photo

Beavers can play with toys too

This kid loved the stuffed bunny, which is three times his size.

Feeding the beaver

He has a good appetite.

Sleepy babies were spotted taking a nap while their parents were probably out looking for food.

And they just took pictures of them.

Three small and adorable fluffies

Mother beaver sleeps standing up while feeding her cubs

Not all animals cope easily with the role of a parent. Some of them are having a hard time and want to escape somewhere.

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