17 photos of pregnant animals whose bellies are funny and touching at the same time (18 photos)
We all know well how pregnancy progresses in a person: a rounded belly, clumsiness, swollen legs and other delights of this position. But how does the birth of a new life transform our little brothers?
How do they cope with this difficult period, and does a “slightly” rounded tummy suit them? Let's take a look at it!
A beluga whale's pregnancy usually lasts about 12 months, sometimes it can reach 13-14 months. As a rule, one cub is always born. It very rarely happens that two baby whales are born at once.
A mother elephant awaiting the birth of a baby elephant
Pregnant seahorse daddies
The reproduction process of these creatures is amazing! After all, it is not the female who bears the offspring, but the male! The female lays eggs in a pouch located on the male's abdomen. Then the males fertilize these eggs, bear them and give birth to new offspring.
African pygmy
Future mother monkey
Frog with an impressive belly
Pregnant guinea pig
That's who will definitely become the kolobok winner in this difficult struggle among pregnant women!
White-tailed deer
An interesting fact about giraffe pregnancy: the female, being pregnant, often returns to the place where she herself was once born in order to give birth to her calf there.
Snakes are very caring mothers. But such care lasts exactly until the tiny newborn snake crawls completely into the light of day. Next, the baby snake must get used to the harsh rules of life on its own.
You can compare two Scorpios side by side and unmistakably tell which of them is in position. This female has a very large belly, which presumably contains about 20 future scorpions. During the first two weeks, they crawl onto their mother's back, where they are completely safe.