Crazy things you can only see in Dubai! (14 photos)

14 September 2024
Category: traveling, 0+

Anyone who has seen the architecture of Dubai will agree that this city is the embodiment of the most innovative ideas. Dubai is not only home to more than three million people, but also a true shopping paradise.

It is not surprising that during a tourist visit you can discover some truly amazing things: from a gold machine to the world's highest tennis court! Here are 8 amazing things that can only be seen in Dubai!

Abandoned cars

There is something that can bring any car enthusiast to tears - expensive luxury cars that are left to the mercy of fate and slowly deteriorate. There are so many abandoned sports cars in Dubai that most of them have to be disposed of using special equipment. Just like this Lamborghini in the photo. What a pity…

Why not just donate them to people who need them instead of destroying great cars? By the way, we would definitely find a use for such a gift, believe me! Well, you probably thought that cars are abandoned in parking lots and at airports by rich people who don’t know the value of money. However, the reason often lies elsewhere. Every year, two to three thousand cars remain ownerless - payments for them become unaffordable for the owners. This is often due to low oil prices and the global financial crisis. But why don't car owners just declare bankruptcy? The problem is that in Dubai there is no concept of “bankruptcy”. According to Sharia, the body of Islamic law, failure to pay debts is a crime. If you can't pay off your loan, no matter how big or small, you're welcome to jail. Therefore, many foreigners who came to work, and some locals, flee the country away from severe punishment.

Exotic pets

There are a lot of rich people in Dubai. And among the rich there are many who strive to show everyone around how wealthy they are. Putting a diamond collar on your favorite dog or cat is not impressive enough. Many famous and wealthy people in Dubai go out of their way to prove their financial worth to others. That’s why at one time they bought such exotic pets as tigers and cheetahs and took pictures with them in front of luxury cars. Even just walking down the street, you could often come across a tiger on a leash.

Once upon a time this was the norm. Fortunately, this crazy time is over. At least for law-abiding citizens. Under pressure from animal rights communities, a law was passed banning the sale of wild and dangerous animals and their purchase for private ownership. Now residents of Dubai, unless, of course, they are the owners of a zoo or nature reserve, have to be content with cats and dogs. What happens if someone decides to illegally adopt an exotic animal? At a minimum, the pet will be confiscated, and at a maximum, the owner may be given a prison sentence of six months.

Vending machine selling gold bars

When we hear the phrase “vending machine,” we immediately have associations with various goodies and snacks. Or with refreshing drinks. But you can find something much more interesting in the Dubai slot machines. If you decide to stay at a hotel in Abu Dhabi, you can buy real gold from the vending machines there! And we are not talking about chocolate coins in gold foil from New Year's gifts. In the five-star Emirates Palace there is a machine that sells gold bars and coins. It was awarded the title of the first “golden” vending machine in the world. Both bars and coins are issued in small gift boxes; 1, 5 and 10 gram gold and 24 karat gold bars are available for purchase.

Coins are imported from Australia, South Africa and Canada. Yes, you definitely won’t approach such a vending machine with change from a supermarket! This gold dispensing machine changes prices daily, prices are per ounce (~28.3 grams) of gold and are based on online store values. And, it should be noted, the prices are quite competitive - after all, there is no need to pay for the work of intermediaries, as in a regular store. The average price per ounce is $1,600. Just imagine how many coins you will have to insert into the machine for it to finally dispense a bullion!

Air-conditioned bus stops

Even in the coldest time of the year, the air temperature in Dubai does not drop below 15 degrees Celsius. From May to September, the average air temperature is around 38 degrees and above! What should those who do not have a luxury car with air conditioning and who are forced to use public transport do? First of all, don’t panic: public transport is equipped with everything you need for a comfortable trip. In Dubai, no one stands under the scorching sun waiting for a bus - they are waiting in a pleasant coolness. In 2006, the Dubai Public Transport Authority began installing air-conditioned stops. Their implementation took only one year. Today there are hundreds of such stops scattered throughout Dubai. Now there is no excuse for workers arriving out of breath and sweating! But the Dubai government did not stop at cool stops. As soon as Abu Dhabi installed air-conditioned stops, Dubai had already come up with something new and was once again one step ahead! At its stops, free Wi-Fi has appeared for holders of transport cards. Just think, while waiting for the bus you can not only freshen up, but also watch an episode of your favorite TV series!

Undersea world

One walk around Dubai is enough to understand that it is this city that sets fashion trends in an attempt to become the best in absolutely all possible points. Every now and then, Dubai finds new ways to stand out. And “Underwater World” brought him stunning success. This “world” is the largest aquarium and underwater zoo on the planet! The aquarium can hold 10 million liters of water, and is home to more than 200 species of marine animals, the total number of inhabitants reaches 33 thousand. The aquarium consists of acrylic panels, and this structure is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest of its kind. This underwater zoo has also won several awards. Every visit to the underwater world becomes a memorable event; Enthusiastic visitors return here ten times - and each time is like the first. Here you can see crocodiles, penguins, jellyfish, spider crabs and many more! There is even an exhibit of creepy crawlies and reptiles. All the most unimaginable and interesting things that exist in the marine world are collected in one aquarium in Dubai. And what's most amazing: this underwater zoo is located in a shopping center!

The world's largest artificial island

What to do when there is not enough land to build buildings on the coastline? Create more sushi, of course! This is exactly what Dubai enthusiasts did. They created - and continue to create - the world's largest man-made island! And no, they didn't just dump a bunch of sand in the water and call it an island. They put a lot of effort into shaping the land in the shape of palm trees. The man-made islands were named Palm Deira, Palm Jumeirah and Palm Jabal Ali. The goal was precisely to create the world's largest artificial island.

In addition, it was possible to accommodate more than a million people on strips of land covering approximately 46 million square meters. The first island, Palm Deira, is larger than Paris. Its creation began back in 2001; financing for the construction of the Palm Jumeirah came from funds earned by Dubai from oil. This artificial archipelago is so large that it can even be seen from the International Space Station! There are private houses and hotels on the island. The base is only sand and stones, no concrete or steel! Approximately 5.5 cubic meters of stone came from 16 quarries in Dubai, and 94 million cubic meters of sand were recovered from the seabed. Approximately 700 tons of limestone were also used.

Tallest building in the world

To build the tallest building on the planet is what every country craves! Someone manages to make this dream come true, but then another country builds a higher building and takes away the championship. This race is endless. However, now the championship is held by Dubai. And all thanks to the Burj Khalifa skyscraper, whose owner and developer is Emar Properties. The tower is called a vertical city; its height is 829.8 meters. Construction began in 2004 and was successfully completed by October 1, 2009. Since then, the Burj Khalifa has been the tallest building in the world. The tower's outer cladding consists of 26,000 hand-cut glass panels. The building also has a Y-shaped section - so at high altitudes the wind will not cause trouble. The dimensions are also amazing: to wash the windows from top to bottom alone, it will take about 3 months! More than 12 thousand people worked on the construction of the legendary structure, and it can truly be called a work of art. It is unlikely that in the near future anyone will be able to build a building as tall and astounding as the Burj Khalifa.

The world's highest tennis court

The tallest buildings and the richest people are where Dubai is always trying to outdo other countries. And this is not enough for him: Dubai takes the lead even in those races where it does not have a single rival. For example, did you know that in Dubai there is a tennis court located at a record height? For what? Why not! Tennis players play at a bird's eye level - approximately 211 meters above the ground. This court is located in the Burj Al Arab hotel. So if you're walking nearby and a tennis ball suddenly falls from the sky, don't be alarmed! The designers decided not to just build a court on the roof of the hotel during construction, no, everything is much more interesting.

The tennis court was erected on the site of a former helipad, whose area is 418 square meters. This was done in support of the Dubai Tennis Championship in 2005. Roger Federer and Andre Agassi were honored to play on this court, and also sent several balls flying from above. According to Andre, playing at an altitude of more than 200 meters is a unique, incomparable experience. He said that once you get used to the height, the game becomes pure pleasure. The tennis player also noted that he has no fear of heights... unless we are talking about bungee jumping!

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