What surprises did people discover when they left food and things unattended (17 photos)

8 September 2024
Category: food, 0+

Time leaves its mark on everything. Netizens showed how personal items and food that had been forgotten for some time had changed.

Sometimes memory fails any person. Well, who hasn’t at least once forgotten a soup heated up in the microwave or an apple in a bag, once taken for a snack? But everything secret and successfully forgotten is sooner or later found, which greatly surprises its owners. Over various periods of time, well-known objects are seriously transformed. Temperature, air humidity and sun rays do their job. Some objects begin to look like real works of art, while others begin to resemble the scenery of horror films. Below are interesting photos that will show what surprises people discovered when they left their belongings and some food unattended for some time.

Left deodorant in a cold car overnight

I left the disc in the sun and forgot about it for a while

The pants stayed in the car for about a month. The sun created a pattern on them

My friend left some rice in the pan and put it in the back of her cupboard. This is what she found today

I didn’t think about potatoes for six months

Miracle Orange

The orange on which I practiced my first tattoos many years ago. I put it on the shelf and forgot about it. Now it has dried, but at the same time it has retained all the drawings. It weighs practically nothing and is as hard as a rock.

I completely forgot that I had onions left in the refrigerator

It is quite possible that if I had remembered it later, I could have grown an entire garden.

A bottle of Pepsi that is 60 years old

Copper sulfate, which was dissolved and left in a jar for 2 months

I accidentally left my drink in the freezer

A hard-boiled egg that's a year old

It is so hard that its structure resembles marble.

We left this apple at home for a week while we were on vacation.

I forgot my watermelon for several months. Look how he's turned so black

Forgot an old sponge in the sink, which a few weeks later tried to grow a new life

We left our Halloween pumpkins outside all winter and one of them is growing a new plant.

The banana I forgot in my backpack before quarantine started

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