Village of Khokhotuy and Monkey's Eyebrow: 12 towns with strange names (13 photos)

28 August 2024
Category: funny, traveling, 0+

The strangest names of settlements.

How do cities get their names? Most receive them due to some feature of the area: for example, a mountain or river, next to which the city was founded. Sometimes a locality is named after the person who founded it or did something important for history. However, sometimes place names are completely ridiculous, it seems that they were accidentally invented by some joker. For example, in Canada there is a town called Saint-Louis-du-Has! Ha!, and that’s exactly how it’s spelled, with two exclamation marks.

There is a village called Gogogogo in Madagascar.

Lost town in Scotland

What do you think is their favorite TV series? Lost is translated as “lost.”

Christmas Pie in Surrey, England

It seems we have found the perfect place to go for Catholic Christmas: the village of Christmas Pie in England. Its name literally translates as “Christmas pie.” It is located in the Normandy region.

Village of Chuvaki in the Perm region

Intercourse, in Pennsylvania, USA

One of the meanings of the word Intercourse is not suitable for the city - “sexual intercourse.”

Town of Bastardo in Italy

Monkey's eyebrow in the USA

Monkey Eyebrow is located in Kentucky.

There is a city in Greece called Drama.

Beer in the English county of Devon

We don’t know how foamy drinks taste in the town of Beer, but the coast here is wonderful.

In the Trans-Baikal Territory there is the village of Khokhotuy

Kam-Bai-Chans in Australia

The name of the Australian town Come By Chance translates as “something random” or “chance find”.

Village O in Norway

The village of O (Å) not only has a strange name, but it is also the shortest in the world.

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