“This is technology!”: 18 renovated roads in the style of a blunder (19 photos)

13 August 2024
Category: construction, 0+

I invite you to look at interesting photographs showing road repairs made in various cities.

Road problems occur in all countries of the world without exception. Over time, any, even the most modern coating wears out and turns, in a sense, into a sieve. Then the road services begin to rescue him. However, they do not always approach this difficult task responsibly. Sometimes, looking at the results of repairing a highway or sidewalks, you involuntarily ask the question: “What does this performance mean, and what tractor can be used to overcome it?”

We built the road, boss!

It's like when you accidentally clicked on the wrong spot in the computer game SimCity.

Fifty Shades of Gray in Croatia

They laid asphalt. Why not a bike path?

The asphalt was laid for them by Lightning McQueen.

It feels like the workers simply poured asphalt onto the ground. And then he spread himself.

What happened here?

Roadworks in Canada are progressing at heights

Perfectly marked

Darling, don't worry

This is a sample. If it doesn't cause allergies, they will cover it completely.

The most renovated street in Budapest

Someone plays Tetris very well.

When they were in a hurry to speed up the application of markings

Million Dollar Design, Brazil

The beauty is incredible

Super bike path, Hungary

This is the perfect path for skateboarding.

A piece of Prague

How can the remaining piece be sealed later?

Painted the edges of the sidewalk! Smart girls!

Combined repair

Perfectionists are indignant at this spectacle!

wave pavement

It feels like they brought a roll of asphalt and rolled it out. They’ll take photos of what they put there, roll it back up and take it to another place.

Nice parking lot

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