Frogmouths and others: 10 funny animals that live on our planet (11 photos)

15 July 2024
Category: animals, 0+

They can be mistaken for aliens who are already colonizing the planet with all their might.

Mother Nature knows how to surprise with her creations: some creatures on our planet look like they were worked on by a science fiction writer. But no, all the animals from the collection really exist, and they usually cause bewilderment and surprise. So let's thank the World Wide Web for helping us learn more about our little brothers and allowing us to see the most incredible inhabitants of our planet, which only a small circle of scientists would know about without the network.

Frogmouths: birds that resemble frogs with their beaks

These birds, by the way, are very caring parents.

Peters's proboscis blenny: an adorable rodent that has a trunk

Ili pika, endemic to the Chinese province of Xinjiang, living in the mountains

These babies are considered by many to be even more charming than pandas. One thing is for sure: they are rarer than giant pandas. There are probably less than a thousand individuals, and the last photo of the Ili pika was taken in 2014.

A mantis crab that looks like a creature from another planet

Maratus volans from Australia, also called the peacock spider

The similarity is obvious, wouldn't you agree?

This is a big-eared fox from Africa

Ears, by the way, are not the only feature of this animal: this species of fox also has 48 teeth.

Beetle with troll hair from the African forests of the Republic of Suriname

Only the bug’s hairstyle is not on his head, but on… his abdomen! True, this is not hair at all, but threads of wax that the bug secretes from its abdomen. Entomologists suggest that this hair is a defense mechanism against predators. The enemy is attracted by these hairs, he attacks them, but the bug remains unharmed.

Salpids, which pass water through themselves, taking plankton from it

Darwin's pipistrelle is a fish whose lips are sure to be the envy of other marine life

Tarsiers: tiny primates weighing 150 g with huge eyes

Tarsier is not the only unusual primate, these mammals surprise with their appearance: there are monkeys with huge noses, as well as primates with large mustaches.

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