17 amazing archaeological finds (18 photos)

12 July 2024
Category: miscellaneous, 0+

Some scientists do not give up attempts to study the past of humanity in great detail and find out answers to questions about the universe. To get closer to their dream, they go on long expeditions, where they will have to face the most difficult excavations and study the extracted fragments.

However, as practice shows, the efforts expended will be fully justified in the future.

Events that took place within thousands of years ago are now quite well studied and understood. However, if you dig a little further, many unsolved mysteries appear here. While researchers are struggling to decipher them, we invite you to take a look at the artifacts of antiquity, which have already been able to shed light on some mysteries.

Huge vessel filled with coins

Presumably, this treasure was hidden in the 15th century. He was discovered on the territory of a samurai residence north of Tokyo.

Ring with oval bezel. Northern France, 7th century

The terrifying horned helmet of the English king Henry VIII

He received it as a gift from the Roman Emperor Maximilian I.

Dr. Irving Finkel holds a 3,770-year-old plaque

The amazing artifact tells the story of the god Enki speaking to the Sumerian king Atram-Khasis, who gives him detailed instructions on how to build the ark.

French archaeologist Frank Gaudyo managed to discover the ancient city of Heraklion

The researcher realized that it was him thanks to the black granite slab on which his name was carved. Under the water there were also the remains of sunken ships, coins, jewelry and various household items.

Mask of Agamemnon

This is a golden funerary mask discovered in ancient Greek Mycenae. Modern archaeological research suggests that the mask dates back to around 1600 BC.

Handprints carved into the soft surface of White Mountain in Wyoming by Eastern Shoshone ancestors

They were made approximately from 1000 to 1800 BC.

Fast food restaurant in Pompeii

In December 2021, archaeologists in Pompeii announced the discovery of a well-preserved food and drink stall. Here they sold food from amphorae, which could be eaten on the go. Various food remains were discovered at this excavation site.

Ring sword from the Migration Period, IV-VII AD

Archaeologists have found ancient Roman statues that are 2,000 years old

During excavations in Jerusalem, a unique gold earring was found, its age is about 2 thousand years.

The top of the “black pyramid” of Amenemhet III, who lived in the 19th century BC

Eye of an antique marble statue of the goddess of health Hygieia, approximately V-IV centuries BC

The portrait of an Egyptian youth wearing an ivy wreath was painted at the beginning of the 2nd century AD

Gallic bronze helmet in the shape of a swan, found by archaeologists in Tintignac, France

Such helmets were found in the 4th-2nd centuries BC.

Mosaic discovered during recent excavations in Pompeii

Clay sculptured head made by representatives of the Tagar culture approximately 2100 years ago

Inside, researchers found bones. However, they did not belong to a person, but to a ram. Scientists have suggested that perhaps the Tagars who went missing were buried in this way.

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