Only drunk people can do such crazy things (26 photos + 5 videos)
Everything should be in moderation. But it’s not always possible to follow this rule, especially when it comes to alcohol. And then photographs appear on the Internet that amuse everyone.
1. Alcohol vs. shower curtain. As you can see, the curtain won
2. Would you like some tea?
3. “The drunk roommate tried to load the dishwasher, but slightly missed the mark.”
4. “You never know what you’ll see on your way to work in the morning.”
5. “My mom and her friend got drunk and gave the cat a bath.”
6. Fun is in full swing
7. Truth of life

8. “I was drunk and fed the cat.”

9. This is what a real crime scene looks like

10. Empty Trash?

11. But he almost succeeded
12. “Had a little drink with some girlfriends and decided to recreate an old photo.”

13. Well gone, beautiful
14. “Woke up at two in the morning and found my neighbor asleep in a box of litter.”

15. “My drunk friend decided to put off eating until later.”

16. “I came home, and there my sister drank and went crazy.”
17. “I ordered a curtain for the bathroom when I was drunk.”

18. “Chief, why are we standing?”
19. “My mom got drunk and invented an airbag for a bicycle. I don’t even know if that’s genius or crazy.”

20. “Drunk, I decided to be responsible and took off my contact lenses before going to bed.”

21. “Yesterday I drank well and tried to charge my wallet. Apparently, I hoped that there would be money in it.”

22. “I should be banned from online shopping at 4am when I’m drunk.”

23. “He said the room was spinning and we decided to help him.”

24. “This is the picture I found when I woke up this morning.”

25. “My friend was so drunk that he couldn’t ride a bike for two. I had to improvise.”

26. "Drunk dad ordered 42 hot dogs"

27. Guess which gingerbread house was made on a drunken head?

28. “A drunk friend thought the table was a pretty good blanket.”

29. “I got drunk until a pig squealed and wanted to take a bath. Here are the consequences.”

30. Had a lot of fun