A cure for nightmares due to unfinished puzzles (6 photos + 1 video)
How to solve puzzles and become the life of the party. Let's look at some interesting puzzles.
Puzzle "Secret Box"
First you need to turn the box face down. Hit the box to make the large part move. And you could turn it to the side, as shown in the video. Then turn the box over and turn the middle part in the opposite direction. With these simple steps you can solve this puzzle.

There is logic in this puzzle, but don't worry if you couldn't find it and you don't want this puzzle to become your nightmare. Use this diagram, where each puzzle piece is labeled with a different color.

Puzzle “Lion in a Cage”

In order to rescue our lion, we will need to find the largest distance between the rods. Yes, they look the same, but there is still a large opening. Then start pulling out the lion from the tail side, and then turn it over and pull out its front paws one by one.
Puzzle “Pyramid in a wooden cage”

In this case, school knowledge from geometry will help us. Suffice it to remember that the projection of a pyramid at a certain angle is a square. Choose the right angle, your pyramid will be free.
Puzzle "Iron Links"

First you need to make sure that all three links are connected to each other. This can be done by crossing so that the numbers 1 and 3 on the links converge.
After connecting all three links, we disconnect the first and second, to do this we focus on the points. After the second link is disconnected, we perform similar actions with the first and third links.