17 people who acted stupidly, but self-irony won (15 photos + 3 videos)

Yesterday, 10:00
Category: funny, 0+

We all sometimes make mistakes and stupid things that we later regret. And some people don’t even notice that they’ve made a fool of themselves. Sometimes our inattention is to blame, in other cases our memory fails, and sometimes we ourselves cannot understand how we made such an absurd mistake. In this post you will see unexpected and funny mistakes people make.

Neighbors called rescuers, thinking that some kind of animal was stuck in the tree. It turned out to be a croissant!

I sent my mom a photo of our yard. Seeing the small chair, my mother thought that I would have a child. This is a cat chair

The girl believed the information that the huge leaves could support a person

The pilot recently received his license, and no one knows who told him that he could land the plane anywhere

I decided to make popcorn, but the container was too small

What was he thinking?

His wife warned him!

Not the smartest way to open a bottle of champagne

You won't be left without hair for long

Halfway to the airport I looked down and saw that I was wearing slippers

A gardener accidentally sprayed weed killer instead of fertilizer on a school football field.

My girlfriend was cutting my hair and then I heard "Oops"

I forgot to remove the plastic lid from the dish and put it in the oven

My wife sent me to the store to buy sugar, I didn’t see that the bag was torn

My dad decided to please us. I got up early and picked some peaches. And he didn’t even notice that they were green

Putting sneakers in the dryer is a so-so idea.

Today our employee helped install a new toilet in the office

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