People who turned to a plastic surgeon for good reason (5 photos + 5 videos)

13 September 2024
Category: beauty, 0+

Unfortunately, these days, the ideals imposed by perfect pictures on social networks provoke many to start improving themselves where this is generally not necessary. But there are cases when plastic surgery only makes things better.

Yes, it is very important to accept yourself for who you are and rejoice in how diverse humanity is. But sometimes a small correction can only help and make a person’s life better.

“With a new nose, this man seemed to become a different person.”

The result came out very natural, but raising the tip of the nose so that it looks natural is not easy.

The photo was published seven days after the operation.

“My success story of using injections to reduce a double chin.

“In addition, I have lost a little weight, but my face is genetically predisposed to fullness.”

The girl explained that in general she lost 45 kg and since the first injection she has lost 10 kg. That is, this is not only injections, but complex work.

"6 months have passed since the double-jaw osteotomy"

The girl wrote: “I don’t know what to call what the doctors did to me, so I’ll explain everything in simple words. My upper jaw was pushed forward, and my lower jaw was pushed back, and both jaws were slightly tilted down. The recovery was not the best experience, but it flew by so quickly!” In the photo her cheeks are slightly swollen.

"1 year after rhinoplasty and chin implant installation"

“In the photo you can see the result a year after the operation. My goal was to remove the hump from the nose and reduce the nostrils, but so that the length of the nose remained the same. And my goal for correcting the chin was to at least have one. I wanted so that it becomes clearer, especially the view from the side. The doctor also corrected the implant to minimize the asymmetry of my natural chin. I am absolutely delighted with the results. My only regret is that I didn’t do this earlier :)

"10 weeks after septorhinoplasty"

Here they changed not only the shape of the nose, but also the nasal septum.

"This is me 12 days after rhinoplasty!"

"I didn't do anything to my lips, I think they're just still swollen along with the rest of my face lol. I still can't smile," she shared in the comments.

"Me before and after surgery to treat upper eyelid ptosis"

"I could always move my eyelids (open my eyes wider, squint, etc.), but I couldn't keep my drooping eyelid fully open all day long. I usually ended up having to raise my eyebrow on that side to compensate for the drooping , which looked a little strange."

The woman shared that the operation under local anesthesia lasted no more than 10 minutes. And the most difficult thing during recovery was sleeping with my back elevated relative to my lower body.

Rhinoplasty and double jaw osteotomy

"It was a real ordeal. I was lucky enough to be able to take a month off work and have family to help me. My jaw was wired shut for 10 days and after that I had a plastic splint on my teeth and I could barely I could open my mouth. I had to be on a liquid/semi-liquid diet for a month. I also had severe swelling in my face and nosebleeds for at least a week. I couldn’t feel my jaw for several months, which meant it didn’t hurt, but it prevented me from shaving. , eat, etc.,” said the young man.

The feeling of his jaw returned only a year later.

Before and after Asian blepharoplasty

The surgeon had to form the crease of the eyelid and “open” the gaze.

"The after photo was taken ~10 days after the procedure. I had my stitches removed on the seventh day after surgery. It took about a year for the scars to completely disappear, but since the scar is located in the crook of my eye, it was practically invisible."

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