This is Australia, baby: 30 good reasons to never go there (31 photos)
Although Australia is a picturesque, amazing and full of natural uniqueness country, some things familiar to its inhabitants may seem like a complete curiosity to the average person. Sometimes it seems that this country is being taken over by nature and its inhabitants! Let's look at some footage that speaks volumes about what you can encounter in Australia.
Snake dines on crocodile
Giant crocodiles. It's the size of a car
In some places here the water is also dangerous. Here, a notice near a fresh pond warns that the water may contain amoebas that cause amoebic meningitis - a rare disease that can be fatal.
Paralytic tick before and after drinking blood
A bunch of spiders
And even more spiders when you go on a hike, for example.
Two-legged centipedes - another Australian inhabitants
Here are the giant earthworms
Mole crickets are large burrowing insects that are also often found in Australia
Scolopendra eats a snake
And this is a huge 1.5-meter jellyfish that washed up on the Australian shore
The tiny Irukandji jellyfish is one of the most dangerous creatures in Australian waters. Their size is approximately 12 by 25 mm, and their venom is 100 times stronger than that of a cobra.
Australian girl after being bitten by a box jellyfish
The blue-ringed octopus is one of the most poisonous animals in the world. The strength of its poison is enough to kill a person - and death occurs 15 minutes after the injection of the poison, if help is not provided
The cone snail is a predatory gastropod. Their bites can cause paralysis of the respiratory muscles and be fatal.
Australian hail the size of billiard balls
Another warning that warts live in local waters - these fish are considered the most poisonous fish in the world
These fish lie motionless on the bottom, so they are difficult to notice. At first glance they look like stone. Their dorsal fin has sharp spines, the penetration of which causes severe pain and possible paralysis. The ad advises to move carefully in the water and watch your step, and to use shoes with thick soles when swimming.
Python eats a flying fox
Australia is when you again have to shoo away the snake that crawled into your store
A snake crawled through the pipes into the toilet
A huge python drags a wallaby (a marsupial from the kangaroo family) from the river.
And again - nothing unusual, the snake is having lunch
Local snakes can put a slight damper on your golf game
Snakes are everywhere! Even on airplanes
Wild dog dingo ate a shark
And here's a shark next to the golf course
Shark next to a surfer
Crocodile right near the shore