30 lucky people who found a real treasure among the trash (31 photos)
r/DumpsterDiving is a subreddit dedicated to finding useful items in the trash. Members of this online community share their experiences and tips for finding treasures among trash, as well as their successes and failures, along with photos.
1. "My new best find"
2. “Found a brand new art kit.”
3. "Found him in a trash can, tied up in a garbage bag. He's so cute. Poor thing."
4. “I thought this thing was worth saving.”
5. “I built my desk out of some mahogany planks I found in a landfill. I found a gaming chair on the side of the road.”
6. Rich harvest
7. “Cast iron cookware I found on the side of the road.”
8. “Two La Creuset pans that were thrown in the trash outside my work today.”
9. "This antique hand-painted French cabinet from the 1890s was part of the 'junk' I was hired to remove from my home."
10. "The first successful find of the season"
11. “I’ve never wanted to show off my catch before.”
12. “Someone threw their balloon collection into the trash, and I saved it.”
13. “I found this painting in the trash, it reminded me of my cat, so I took it.”
14. "I died and woke up in garbage heaven"
15. “I was going through the trash of someone who was moving and found 18-karat gold earrings. A jewelry friend examined the stones and said they were white sapphires.”
16. “Someone threw away a working 40-inch smart 4K TV. Crazy, but it’s mine now.”
17. "Someone was too lazy to clean their $800 espresso machine. I found it sitting in the trash yesterday."
18. “I’ve never been so happy about a trash find.”
19. "I'm thrilled with this find! I'm an elementary school teacher and next year all my kids will be signing cards for their family/teachers!"
20. “I found this disco ball. I thought it would be fake, made of foam, but it’s very heavy and beautiful!”
21. “Yesterday I found 25 boxes of Christmas lights.”
22. "Cool find. A little patching up and it will shine."
23. “This 30-year-old Monstera deliciosa would go to the trash heap, but working for a transport company has its perks! My girl for scale.”
24. "Brand new cat scratching post house for $150, in box. Good luck! P.S. They loved it."
25. "Antique apothecary scales thrown away by neighbors"
26. “I ran out of dog food and had no money at all. I decided to look in the trash can behind the pet store. Lucky.”
27. “Did I find 30 pairs of new shoes for $120 in a shoe store dump? All my friends now have a pair? Yes, on all fronts.”
28. “I make blankets for shelter/stray dogs and their dogs from fabric I find in garbage dumps. This is my little weirdo in the photo. No, I didn’t find him in the trash.”
29. "In the open dump behind the local hypermarket..."
30. “I found a completely intact bass guitar in the trash. On my birthday!”