25 interesting facts from different areas of our lives (26 photos)

22 March 2025
Category: actuality, 0+

You can gain new knowledge and learn something interesting in modern times every day. Let's learn some interesting facts about our world, from history, famous personalities, nature and much more. Let's replenish our knowledge base.

In 1997, poacher Vladimir Markov, who was hunting Amur tigers, shot a tiger and took part of its kill. After 12 hours, the surviving tiger tracked Markov by smell and ate him.

In 2017, a woman named Chau Smith ran seven marathons in seven consecutive days in seven different countries. She decided to do this in honor of her 70th birthday.

Famous basketball player Shaquille O'Neal wears size 55 shoes

The guy, who was wanted, performed plastic surgery on his face using scissors, a stationery knife and a needle and thread. So he evaded arrest for more than 2 years

About half of the world's population has never seen snow in real life.

Monk Vitalis from Gaza was considered the patron saint of prostitutes and day laborers. He paid prostitutes his daily salary to dissuade them from this profession

Dentist is one of the most ancient professions. Researchers have found teeth drilled by tools in the skulls of people who lived 7,500 to 9,000 years ago

Another study conducted by the Italian University of Bologna on a 14,000-year-old skull found that one rotten tooth in the jaw had been deliberately drilled out with a tool.

Brussels sprouts used to taste bitter. In the 90s, breeders removed chemicals from it that cause bitterness.

The heir to a huge fortune, Tommy Manville became famous for marrying 11 girls 13 times. They were all 20 year old blonde dancers

According to the terms of the family agreements, he was entitled to pay $250,000 upon marriage. As a result, he married 13 times, giving women some of the money and then divorcing them.

In 1184, King Henry VI of Germany gathered the most influential aristocrats and knights to a congress in Erfurt. At the height of the meeting, the wooden floor broke under the weight of those gathered, and more than 60 titled aristocrats drowned in a cesspool

At least sixty noble figures and knights are known to have drowned.

Dragon's Breath - A Chili Pepper That Can Kill

If a person eats this pepper without knowing they are allergic, it can result in death from suffocation or anaphylactic shock.

At an amusement park in California, there was a mannequin hanging from a gallows. In 1976, his arm fell off - and it turned out that this was the body of a deceased person

It was the body of a man named Elmer McCurdy, an outlaw who was shot and killed by sheriffs in 1911. The body was found in the park 65 years after his death.

A real plane was blown up on the set of Tenet. Director Christopher Nolan decided it would be cheaper to use a plastic model or CGI effects

Writer Charles Dickens doted on his cat named Bob. After the death of his pet, he ordered taxidermists to make a knife with Bob's paw as a handle.

A World War II soldier, Ted D'Auvergne, was sitting in a tavern, having missed his train, and asked the innkeeper to put aside one bottle of beer - to drink upon his return from the war. Ted died, but the innkeeper kept his promise - the bottle remained there

The guy was a New Zealander, and this is a monument in his honor, where he was depicted with a bottle.

Henry Cotton is a crazy American psychiatrist. Working in a mental hospital from 1907 to 1930, he was convinced that the insanity of patients was caused by infections and microbes in various organs

The unfortunate psychiatrist removed patients' teeth and internal organs - including the colon, reproductive organs and even stomachs. He thought that this way he would save them from madness, but as a result of his manipulations, 45% of his patients died.

Between 3% and 21% of the population have a genetic variation in the receptors that makes cilantro taste very unpleasant to them

Henry Cavill was once voted "the unluckiest guy in Hollywood." This happened after he was rejected for the role of Edward in Twilight, the role of Batman and the role of Bond in Casino Royale.

Longyearbyen in Norway is the northernmost settlement in the world with a population of over 1,000 people. There you cannot keep cats in the house, you need to carry a rifle outside to protect yourself from polar bears, and there is also a monthly limit on the purchase of alcohol.

In 1996, a Swedish couple named their son "Brfxxccxxmnpccccclllmmnprxvclmnckssqlbb11116"

At the same time, the parents claimed that it was pronounced “Albin.” They did this to protest a fine for not officially registering their son's name by his fifth birthday.

The Apollo astronauts had to leave unnecessary items on the Moon so that the lander could launch safely. The items included golf balls, cameras, boots, a telescope and 96 bags of excrement and vomit.

Canadian hockey player Wayne Gretzky holds a total of 60 NHL records. One of them is that he scored the most goals in a career (894) and in a single season (92)

Glaciers and ice sheets contain about 69% of the world's fresh water

An island off the coast of Colombia the size of two football fields is considered the most densely populated island in the world.

The island has four main streets and 10 neighborhoods. Its population is about 500 people who live in 155 houses.

In Japan, there is 1 vending machine for every 24 people.

They sell everything - umbrellas, ramen, batteries, sake, flowers, and so on. There are currently more than 5 million vending machines in Japan. By the time you finished reading this sentence, there were probably more of them.

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