20 books that were considered dangerous for the younger generation in the United States (21 photos)
The ban on books seems to be a relic of the past, because the dark times when books were burned in public squares are long gone. However, over the past few years, confidence in this has gradually faded, because the ban on books is again “in fashion.” For example, school boards in the United States often impose bans and restrictions on children's and young adult literature. Here are some examples.
1. "Bridge to Terabithia" (Katherine Paterson)
About what:
Two friends, Leslie and Jessie, create an imaginary magical kingdom for themselves in the forest. This is the story of a life-changing friendship between two children who bring out the best in each other.
Why was it banned:
This work was not to the liking of a large number of parents, mainly religious people. They believe that fantasy elements glamorize witchcraft and evil. Also reproached is the use of the word "Lord" in a secular sense and the promotion of secular humanism and new age religion. Those who campaigned for the ban also find it offensive that children use the fantasy world to solve everyday problems in their lives.
2. "The Lord of the Rings" (J. R. R. Tolkien)
About what:
You probably know or have at least heard about The Lord of the Rings. Frodo Baggins and his friend Samwise join a partnership led by the wizard Gandalf to destroy the One Ring.
Why was it banned:
Christian groups have said for decades that the book is anti-religious and satanic. They were completely unfazed by the fact that it was written as a Christian allegory by a devout Christian.
3. Harry Potter series (Joanne Rowling)
About what:
You don't even need to read these books to know the story of the boy wizard who lived. You've definitely seen the films.
Why was it banned:
Again, "certain groups" of people claim that the books promote witchcraft, disobedience and are "too dark."
According to the Washington Post, one Nashville, Tennessee pastor stated, "The curses and incantations used in the books are real curses and incantations, and a person runs the risk of summoning evil spirits by reading them."
4. "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" (Jonathan Safran Foer)
About what:
Nine-year-old Oscar finds a key in a vase left behind by his father, who died in the September 11 attacks. The book follows him on his journey to learn about the key and the father who left it.
Why was it banned:
Although the book is a moving exploration of grief, mental illness, identity, and the impact of the 9/11 tragedy on so many people, it was still banned. There were parents who found the work "extremely vulgar" because of the sex scenes... from the point of view of a nine-year-old child.
5. "The Lovely Bones" (Alice Sebold)
About what:
A teenage girl in her own personal paradise watches as her parents and friends deal with her rape and murder. Watching them try to move on with their lives, she must come to terms with her death.
Why was it banned:
Obviously, the way the girl's death occurred, there were situations related to sex. And this, understandably, caused some concern among parents. Most of the people who opposed the book did not agree with the version of "Heaven" it presented. They are horrified and offended by this biblical version.
6. His Dark Materials (Philip Pullman)
About what:
This is a trilogy of fantasy books about two children traveling through three separate parallel universes.
Why was it banned:
Although the books are filled with witches and talking animals, the series is not criticized for its occultism, but rather for the fact that the works criticize Christianity.
7. "Thirteen Reasons Why" (Jay Asher)
About what:
Hannah Baker leaves behind a series of seven tapes after committing suicide. Each of the tapes tells the reason for her actions and is intended for listening to a specific person.
Why was it banned:
This is a book that deals with bullying, suicide and the issue of consent (Hannah being sexually assaulted). Instead of using the book as a starting point for conversations about the dark side of adolescence that every child must face, many parents have chosen to bury it and shelter their children from reality.
8. Bible (school edition)
About what:
The book of the Christian faith was split into the Old and New Testaments. The Old Testament told about the creation of the world and its early history. The New Testament is about Jesus and his influence on the Jews of his time.
Why was it banned:
For several reasons, including sexual content and promotion of violence. Some have also stated that the book promotes a certain religious point of view (which sounds funny; if it were the Quran, most wouldn't bother at all). Opponents of the book also cite the separation of church and state as a reason to remove the Bible from schools and public libraries.
9. "The Truth About Alice" (Jennifer Mathieu)
About what:
Alice Franklin is a high school student who is rumored to have slept with two guys in one night.
When a couple of weeks later one of them dies in a car accident, Alice is accused of having intimate correspondence with him at that moment, sending SMS, which caused his death. This is a story about rumors, slut shaming and the impact of lies on a young girl's life.
Why was it banned:
From the description it is clear that the book deals with very mature themes for its target youth audience. The book was accused of having too many adult themes. Although it is not dedicated to this, but to the problems of bullying, lies and rumors, which can unfairly fall on a young girl and cause her great trauma.
10. "The Hate of Others" (Angie Thomas)
About what:
The book tells the story of a 16-year-old African-American girl named Starr Carter, who navigates two worlds: she lives in a poor neighborhood and studies at a prestigious private school (mostly for whites). The heroine witnesses her childhood friend being shot and killed by a white police officer, she speaks out about it, and her whole life changes.
Why was it banned:
Inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, the book was challenged by parents in various predominantly white school districts. They cited vulgar and insensitive language, references to drug use and adult themes contained in the work. Police organizations also supported banning the book, calling it a tool for indoctrination and hatred of the police. The fact that the book deals with the real day-to-day problems of the African-American community was left out.
11. "Chocolate War" (Robert Cormier)
About what:
Trinity, an all-boys Catholic high school, has an annual candy bar sale. The funds raised go to finance school organizations.
One boy, a depressed kid named Jerry searching for meaning in his mother's death and his father's grief, decides he is not going to sell anything after being manipulated by one of the popular boys. This causes a revolution in the school's hierarchy.
Why was it banned:
First, the book criticizes the Catholic Church. Secondly, it promotes nonconformism. Third, it challenges unquestioning loyalty to duplicitous leaders. And adults don't seem to want young people to read such books and absorb such ideas.
12. "Guess what?" (Mem Fox)
About what:
It's a children's picture book about an old woman who seems to have "witch" qualities. The book is designed for early reading to help children learn to read with repetitive phrases.
Why was it banned:
Some parents felt that the book promoted the occult and that since the old lady turns out to be an actual witch, the book portrayed witches in a positive light. And this is unacceptable.
13. "The Mysterious Murder of a Dog in the Nighttime" (Mark Haddon)
About what:
Christopher is a 15-year-old math whiz with behavioral problems (possibly the result of high-functioning autism). His life is turned upside down when he finds his neighbor's dog dead from a stab wound. While investigating the murder, he learns much more about his life than he could have imagined.
Why was it banned:
Some parents complained about offensive language and the feeling that the book promoted atheism.
14. "On My Honor" (Marion Dane Bauer)
About what:
Tony isn't a very good swimmer, but he takes on a challenge to compete with his best friend Joel on a dangerous stretch of river. When Joel gets to the finish line, Tony is nowhere to be found. Now Joel must come to terms with the consequences of what happened.
Why was it banned:
Profanity - The book contains the words "hell", "damn" and "damn". It is also banned due to "inappropriate sex" (a couple sitting too close to each other in a car). And also because “it’s too dark and depressing.” They say this is harmful for the younger generation.
15. "Something Happened in Our Town: A Children's Story of Racial Injustice" (Marianne Celano, Marietta Collins and Anne Hazard)
About what:
Two families discuss a racist police shooting that happened in their city.
Why was it banned:
Eight of the 10 books banned deal with racial injustice. This is something that most conservative school districts in the US don't want to discuss. So a book that talks about police brutality, white privilege and social injustice will definitely be challenged and most likely banned.
16. "Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret" (Judy Bloom)
About what:
A young girl who has no religious affiliation due to her parents' interfaith marriage tries to cope with anxiety about new life issues such as boys, bras, and periods. This is a very popular book among schoolchildren because they identify with the main character.
Why was it banned:
Some people feel that the Christian characters in the story are portrayed in a negative light and that topics such as menstruation should not be discussed so openly.
17. "Almost Perfect" (Brian Kutcher)
About what:
Logan finds out his girlfriend cheated on him and meets a new girl at school named Sage. When Sage tells Logan that she is transgender, Logan must deal with his growing feelings for her.
Why was it banned:
Many people opposed the piece as "pornographic and patently offensive."
18. "Goosebumps" (R.L. Stine)
About what:
Goosebumps is one of the best-selling book series of all time, with over 130 titles. These scary tales, although dealing with gruesome themes, usually have a twist ending designed to give readers...well...goosebumps!
Why was it banned:
Surprisingly, there are almost no accusations that these books are “evil” or “satanic.” Parents who supported the ban considered them too scary.
19. "Maus" (Art Spiegelman)
About what:
"Maus" is a non-fiction graphic novel about the experiences of Spiegelman's father as a Holocaust survivor. In the graphic novel, Jews are depicted as mice, Nazis as cats, and American soldiers as dogs.
Why was it banned:
Some school boards across the US have cited violence (World War II and the Holocaust), nudity (mice being gassed), profanity and descriptions of suicide.
20. "Me and Earl and the Dying Girl" (Jesse Andrews)
About what:
High school students Greg and Earl are loners who secretly make short films. After learning that one of his childhood friends, Rachel, is dying, Greg rekindles their friendship and introduces her to Earl.
Why was it banned:
Profanity. But we are talking about single high school students and their dying friend. Of course, they must be explained in the language of Shakespeare and nothing else! Right?