Interesting stories about how children called the police (9 photos)

15 March 2025
Category: miscellaneous, 0+

Each of us wants to never dial the police number in our lives. The reasons for this are usually not the most joyful.

But children can call the police simply thinking that they will help them solve their children's problems. Law enforcement officers usually laugh when they recall stories that make their difficult everyday life a little more fun.

Thirst for communication

A six-year-old boy from Florida was so desperate to talk to someone that he alerted the entire police force.

It so happened that the child was left at home alone and at some point he got tired of all the toys, the tablet and the TV. He wanted to chat with someone, but his parents strictly forbade him to go outside. Unable to think of anything better, he called 911 and asked a friend to come to him. After all, emergency services must come to the rescue - he was told about this at school.

The policeman wisely decided that there was no point in scolding the boy and decided to give him detailed instructions: in what cases it is necessary to dial the emergency number. He also gave the child a soft toy and a ride in a car with flashing lights, which brought the sociable boy into real delight - after all, he now has such a friend!

The right child

A child called the emergency services and reported that his father ran a red light. Young Robert learned road safety rules well. Almost too good.

His parents explained to him that he needed to respond correctly to traffic lights and call 911 in emergencies. Robbie saw that his dad had broken the rules and immediately called the rescue service, because in his opinion the situation was out of the ordinary: “Dad ran a red light. He’s in a black truck. It’s a new car, mom’s car,” Robbie told the operator .

The dispatcher asked to pass the phone to dad and he apologized for the call from his overly law-abiding son.


Early morning. Wyoming. A five-year-old toddler wanted a McDonald's burger, but his grandmother was still sleeping. Isaiah Hall remained calm and dialed 911, where dispatcher Sarah Kuberski answered.

Dispatcher: "Kent County 911. What happened to you?"

Isaiah: "Could you bring me some McDonald's food?"

Dispatcher: "Sorry, what?"

Isaiah: "Could you bring me some McDonald's food?"

Sarah told the kid that unfortunately, the police do not deliver food. But according to the instructions, the dispatcher is obliged to send an officer to the child’s house to check that everything is in order. Dan Patterson went to a call and on the way decided to stop at McDonald's to buy Isaiah some food. No one opened the door for the officer, and then he decided to knock on the window, seeing Isaiah in it. The first thing the stunned kid said was: “Please leave, my grandmother will be very angry.”

But the grandmother not only was not angry, but was glad that her grandson would be able to call 911 in case of an emergency.

Save Christmas

A six-year-old girl from New Jersey dialed 911 because she thought she was guilty of Santa.

Isabelle Laperuta called the police after accidentally touching a toy elf, which, according to a children's book, means the spirit of Christmas will leave the house. This is the recording of the phone call left with the dispatcher:

“Hello,” 911 operator.

"This is Isabella"

"Hey Isabella. Why are you calling 911?"

And then the girl starts to get really hysterical: “Don’t come to my house!” she screamed. - "No need!".

Then she said that she wanted to call her dad to tell him what happened and dialed 911 by mistake. But despite the girl’s requests not to come, the officers had instructions and they were obliged to make sure that everything was in order. The police found a sobbing girl at home and the mother explained the situation with the elf, which greatly upset Isabella. The mother assured the officers that now her daughter knew in what cases to call the police, but in her opinion the situation was truly an emergency. The police were sympathetic to what happened.

Hungry child

Sanford (Florida). Officers Mejia and Hernandez went to the child's home after receiving a call that he was hungry and wanted to order pizza. At the house they met five-year-old Manuel Beshar and his fifteen-year-old sister. The girl assured the officers that everything was fine, her brother just grabbed the phone and she didn’t notice. The police decided to tell the children in what cases they should call 911, and then bought Manuel a large pizza.

Help, I can't put on my pants

In the state of South Carolina, it was an ordinary day in the Gareth family: mother was at work, and grandfather was doing household chores. Two-year-old Aaliya Garet could not pull up her pants and realized that this was the emergency situation and she needed to call the rescue service for help. The girl dialed 911.

The dispatcher answered the call, but heard only an incomprehensible noise. When I tried to speak, I heard something unclear in response and it was only clear that a small child was calling. Of course, the officer who was closest to the house was immediately dispatched to the address - Martha Lohnes, a deputy sheriff.

When Marta arrived at the place, the door was opened for her by an elderly man who absolutely did not understand why the police were on his doorstep, because he had not called there. And then a little girl came with only one pant leg on, and the other one was turned inside out. Martha sat down and helped Aaliyah through the difficult task of putting on her pants.

Dispatcher and mathematics

In Lafayette, a student dialed 911 and asked for help with his homework.

He said he had a "really bad day" and had "a ton of homework." The dispatcher (Antonia Bundy) who accepted the call was free at that moment and, together with the boy, solved an example with addition and multiplication 3x4 + 1x4.

The child then apologized for disturbing him and said that he “really needed help.”

Antonia said that math was easy for her at school and therefore it was not difficult for her to support a desperate child: “I was always good at math, I liked it in high school. I was very happy that I could help.”

Saved my father's life

At 9:30 a.m., a five-year-old girl named Savannah called 911 in Hancock County and said in a calm, childlike voice, “My dad can’t breathe.” The girl gave her home address and added “you need to come very quickly.” The dispatcher told Savannah to check the front door was open and to stay close to her father.

"Your dad still hasn't woken up?" - asked the dispatcher.

“Not yet,” Savannah replied. - "He appears to be unconscious."

When the dispatcher assured the girl that help was on the way, Savannah nervously said, “Okay. But I’m still in pajamas and a T-shirt. So... I need to change clothes. I don’t know what I’ll wear, but... I think dad needs oxygen and very quickly." The girl changed clothes and continued the dialogue with the dispatcher, filling her in on the details she thought were necessary:

"And... we have a dog... very small."

"Is he friendly?" - asked dispatcher Bonham.

"He's very friendly," Savannah replied. “But he barks.”

They continued talking and finally Boneyham told Savannah that help would be on the scene in a couple of minutes. Dad was saved and soon after this incident returned to work.

In the emergency service report, Bonham recalled the call: “Every time I listened to the recording of the call, she seemed absolutely amazing to me. Just a little girl. Most people are in a hysterical state when they talk to us. But she was absolutely calm and reasonable ".

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