It's Much More Deadly Than You Think (26 Photos)
What things that we encounter in everyday life and do not take seriously can be more dangerous than we think and threaten our health and life? This question was asked to the inhabitants of the network - and this is what they answered.
"Covid. People don't take it seriously anymore, and it can still kill you. Wear masks, get vaccinated."
"Texting while driving."
"Stress. Your body can only handle so much stress, and for this reason it is called the “silent killer.” With your high blood pressure and 5 hours of sleep a night due to stress, this killer will sneak up on you sooner than you think.”
“Depression is responsible for 850,000 deaths annually.”
“Coconuts kill about 150 people worldwide every year, making them about ten times more dangerous than sharks.”
"Driving while drowsy."
“Untreated dental problems. Unfilled cavities can lead to heart attack or stroke.”
“Chiropractors. Although the exact number of deaths is unknown due to lack of documentation, it is estimated that at least 40 people a year in the United States die from chiropractic care.”
"Mozzarella sticks. Statistically, of all foods, people most often choke to death with them."
"Childbirth. Oddly enough, it's still dangerous. Obviously, giving birth is much safer than it used to be, but there can be some pretty serious complications. And the death of a woman in childbirth happens more often than you think."
"Mosquitoes kill one million people a year. A million! By comparison, the next most dangerous animal is humans: humans commit 135 thousand murders of their own kind over the same period."
"Air pollution from burning fossil fuels and heavy industry, mainly in China and India. The number of premature deaths from air pollution is estimated at 6-7 million people per year. In other words, fossil fuels cause more deaths every 2-3 weeks than nuclear energy throughout its history, even if we include Hiroshima and Nagasaki in this number."
"Urinary tract infections. They can easily turn into sepsis. My mother almost died twice from an infection for which she had no symptoms until the sepsis set in. And she has long-standing problems from sepsis 5 years ago. It seems that "UTIs are small, but go to the doctor immediately for antibiotics. They can kill you before you know it."
"Selfies are notoriously dangerous. Our region banned school field trips for a year or two due to three separate incidents where students attempted to take selfies during a field trip and were killed or seriously injured."
"Flu. Just a regular flu. Many people ignore it, thinking it will go away on its own. As a result, globally, the number of flu victims per year is usually between 300,000 and 500,000."
"Stairs are responsible for 20 million serious injuries every year and at least 200,000 deaths from falls. Both my grandparents died from falling from stairs."
"Street fights. You watch Hollywood blockbusters and MMA fights and think you can do that too. I know a story about a guy who got hit in the head in a street fight and fell: he was dead before he hit the ground. We had one in area, another story about a year ago - in a street fight, a guy was stabbed in the neck and bled to death within 10 seconds. Stop this nonsense, it’s not worth your life.”
"Awkwardness outdoors and indoors. Falls on ice and wet floors can only look funny in comedies. Meanwhile, on average, about 17 thousand people a year in the United States alone die from injuries received as a result of simply tripping or slipped."
"Falling on slippery surfaces in the bathroom. Especially in the bathtub or shower."
"Champagne corks kill more people than poisonous spiders. The estimated annual average is 34 deaths."
"High blood pressure. You don't notice it, you don't know about it or you don't care about it, but it is the leading cause of many deaths."
"Tetanus. Renew your vaccination every year, otherwise you risk a very serious death."
"Step ladders. About 300 people a year die from falling from them in the United States alone."
"Expired crushed garlic becomes a deadly poison, be warned."