Japan is an amazing country that is at least a century ahead of the rest of the planet in its technological development - and yet holds tightly to its historical traditions and remnants, many of which are rooted in the Middle Ages. Amazing things are here at every step!
During the coronavirus epidemic, the Japanese government sent food aid to those in home quarantine in the form of these kits
Japanese graffiti in rice fields
This is the kind of painting they do on sewer manholes in Japan.
School bus in Nagoya
Corridor of umbrellas in the village of Metsa
Seats of a Japanese night intercity bus
Night lights of Nagano in the fog
Blooming fields of Hokkaido
Bookstore in Matsumoto city
Lunch at a Japanese hospital
Grocery carts in Japan are designed to stack everything vertically and reduce aisle congestion
Inside the cups of instant noodles on the lid you will find a cute cat
Pikachu Train
City bus stops
Building in Tokyo with vertical lawns on the walls
3D advertising in Shinjuku
Women's restroom in a Japanese shopping mall
Mini garden on the train to Kyoto
Under a manhole cover in Tokyo - a fire hydrant
Monorail in Tokyo's Shiba district
At the Nagoya Science Museum, visitors' lockers are labeled with the names of chemical elements.
Traditional hotel in Okawaso
Phone booth in Osaka
Mobile vending machine for KFC products on the street of a Japanese city
Japanese bread vending machine
Chopstick shop, Tokyo
In one of the restaurants you can see a small Mount Fuji at the bottom of every glass.
Coffee painting and sculpture in Japanese
Speaker Shrine in Japan. You can connect your speaker to it via Bluetooth
Sink-toilet combo helps Japanese save water
Vending machine in the style of classical Japanese architecture
The handle in the restroom is specially made so that you can avoid getting your just washed hands dirty.
Spiral escalator in a Japanese shopping mall
Goddess Kannon statue in Sendai
Seat upholstery in Japanese public transport reminds of the need to give up seats to women with children and the disabled