His films don't need annotations. Just like David Fincher himself in a special performance. Everyone who is more or less familiar with world cinema has long included at least one of his films in their playlist. If only because the director’s work covers very different topics, genres and formats.
And also because, even when telling mind-blowing stories, Fincher always talks about life. About Us. Here are a few life quotes from the master’s famous films.
Seven (1995)
Nowadays women are taught to shout “fire” when there is danger, not “help”. He will shout “help”, no one will come out, but when he shouts “fire” everyone will run.
...I'm sure I made the right decision. However, not a day goes by that I don’t regret not doing something differently.
Love is expensive, it requires strength and work.
The Game (1997)
And don't ask what the goal of the game is. Finding this out is your goal.
Come urgently if convenient. If it’s inconvenient, come anyway.
Only those entering high society have the pleasure of neglecting them.
Fight Club (1999)
We are from a generation of men raised by women. Will another woman help solve our problems?
This is your life, and it gets shorter every minute.
The things you own eventually own you.
The first rule of Fight Club is: don't tell anyone about Fight Club.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
Nothing lasts forever, and this is incredibly offensive.
Our lives are defined by opportunity. Even the ones we miss...
Coming home is a funny thing: familiar sights, sounds, smells... The only thing that has changed is you.
No one can be perfect forever.
Some people are born to sit by the river, some are struck by lightning, some live for music, some are just weird, some swim, some know buttons, some know Shakespeare, some become mothers and some dance.
The Social Network (2010)
You can't make five hundred million friends without making a single enemy.
On the Internet they write not with a pencil, Mark, but with ink!
We lived in villages. And then in the cities. Now we will live on the Internet.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011)
I'm not a recluse. I don't close my doors to anyone. It's just that no one comes to me.
If you don't want to, let's say no. And instead of 50 percent of something, we get 100 percent of nothing.
The person who hires the detective should always be on the list of suspects.
Soon you will get to know us all better. Sorry in advance.
Gone Girl (2014)
Yesterday I got to the point. I have become a woman that even I don't like. I used to laugh at people like that.
We were happy to pretend to be other people. We were the happiest couple we knew.
Want to find weak spots in your marriage? Add one crisis, take away two jobs - this is an amazingly effective method.