Abandoned places that are interesting to see (18 photos)

6 March 2025
Category: traveling, 0+

Even the most ardent fans of this trend will be delighted with the incredible abandoned places that we will show in this article

Diamond quarry "Mir"

The Mir diamond quarry, opened in Yakutia in 1955, is the largest diamond quarry in the world. Its width is 1200 m and its depth is 525 m. Between 1957 and 2001, the quarry produced $17 billion worth of diamonds. Over the years, the quarry expanded so much that trucks had to travel 8 km along a spiral road. from bottom to surface. ALROSA, which owns the Mir quarry, stopped open-pit ore mining in 2001 because... this method has become dangerous and ineffective. An interesting fact: helicopters are strictly prohibited from flying over the quarry, because... a huge funnel sucks aircraft into itself.


Varosha is a quarter of the Cypriot city of Famagusta. In the sixties and seventies of the last century it was the most popular resort in Cyprus and one of the most popular holiday destinations in the entire Mediterranean. But everything changed in 1974, when a military coup took place in Cyprus, and in response to it, the Turkish army landed on the island and occupied its northeastern part. Including the Varosha region. All residents were forced to evacuate. 50 years have passed since then, and this area still continues to remain under the control of Turkish troops.

Amusement park "Nara Dreamland"

The park was built back in 1961 and, according to the creators' idea, it was supposed to become a Japanese Disneyland. For a long time, Nara Dreamland was very popular among the Japanese. But in 2006, two more modern entertainment centers were opened - Tokyo Disneyland and Universal Studios amusement park in Osaka. After this, the number of visitors to Nara Dreamland decreased greatly, and the park began to suffer huge losses. Realizing that the park was on the verge of ruin, its management decided to close Nara Dreamland. On August 31, 2006, all park employees left the park and never returned.

Tunnel of Love

You've probably all seen photographs of this place. No, this is not photoshop, in fact, all the photographs were taken in the Tunnel of Love, which is located near the Ukrainian village of Klevan. This place invariably attracts romantics and lovers. However, the history of its origin is quite prosaic. It owes its appearance to the Orzhevsky woodworking plant, whose production is associated with plywood and wooden containers. In order to transport the plant's products throughout the then Soviet Union, this section of the railway was built. Then they stopped using this branch constantly, and the trees began to grow freely. Over time, they formed a green corridor, which they called the Tunnel of Love.

Stalin Museum in the village of Kureyka

The museum, located in the Far North region, in the village of Kureika, where Stalin was exiled, officially operated from 1938 to 1961. It represented a tomb-like pavilion, inside of which, under a glass cover, stood the house in which Stalin lived. The pavilion was conceived on a grand scale. A specially built power plant and boiler house provided the pavilion with heat and light, while there was no light in Kureika’s residential buildings. It is difficult to even imagine how much money was spent on the construction of this museum - after all, there is no railway here, and all construction materials were delivered either by river or by air. In 1961, a decision was made to liquidate the museum. Everything that could be taken apart was taken apart. The museum stood until 1996, when it burned down as a result of arson.


Officially, this city continues to exist, but the truth is that from 1960 to 2010, Detroit's population more than halved, from 1.6 million. people up to 600 thousand. As a result of the outflow of the population, entire areas of the city were abandoned by residents. Skyscrapers, factories, residential areas stand abandoned and are destroyed by time and vandalism. In Detroit, you can see streets with brightly lit windows of expensive stores on one side, and on the other there are buildings with broken glass, trees sprouting from the walls. True, despite the decline, the headquarters of General Motors, Ford Motor Company and Chrysler are still located here. Nowadays, the city is populated mostly by African Americans, which is why Detroit is considered one of the most dangerous cities in the United States.

Chagos Archipelago

Between 1966 and 1973, the British authorities removed the entire civilian population who lived there from the archipelago, and declared the liberated territory a closed zone. All in order to enable the American authorities to build their base on the largest island of the archipelago - Diego Garcia. Since 2000, the deported population began legal battles with the British government to obtain permission to return to their homeland. The litigation, however, has not yet led to anything, but 500 residents of the island still managed to obtain permission to visit the islands of the archipelago.


Ordos is the largest ghost town in China. It was founded on February 26, 2001. According to plans, about one million people were supposed to live here, but the area still remains practically uninhabited, even 15 years after the start of construction. The fact is that the authorities of a country with a population of 1.5 billion people, 50% of whom live in villages, decided to transport peasants from the villages and thus increase domestic consumption in the country. True, rural residents are in no hurry to leave their homes.


In 2011, people left the 20-kilometer zone around the nuclear power plant. Now this exclusion zone resembles scenes from films about the apocalypse. Dozens of cars and cars stand where their owners abandoned them. The roads of towns located near nuclear power plants are overgrown with weeds, and bicycles abandoned on the streets are covered with rust. After 5 years, some areas are still considered too dangerous to return - the radiation levels in them exceed the permissible level. Nobody knows when they will be able to return.

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