Universal phenomenon: 9 of the strangest phenomena in the solar system that cannot be explained (7 photos)

1 March 2025
Category: space, 0+

Thousands of planetary systems are observed in space, and all of them are striking in their suspiciously obvious difference from the family in which we have found our home.

The uniqueness of the solar system

Astronomers are constantly finding new planets around other stars in the surrounding Universe - the so-called exoplanets. More than five thousand of them are already known. But one mysterious trend has emerged. Basically, these are absolutely huge gas planets like our Jupiter or even much larger. In principle, a logical explanation can still be found for this: due to their size, they are simply easier to notice. That is, maybe there is some Mars or some Mercury there next to them, it’s just that we can’t see them yet. But this is absolutely not the only thing.

But the fact is that there is another amazing pattern: basically all these alien Jupiters are located extremely close to their luminaries, just a little more and they will fall. Many are much closer to the star than our Mercury is to the Sun. This is what haunts scientists. Nowhere, absolutely nowhere in the Universe have we seen such a curious state of affairs as we have in our solar system: small rocky planets are closest to the star, and gas giants respectfully circle in the outer part of the system, as if protecting the kids. For some reason, the giants generally prefer to be the first planets, if not the only ones. In the Solar System, according to the calculations of astrophysicists, the position of the “pieces” on this chess table was determined by Jupiter due to its unsurpassed mass, but why Jupiter itself is where it is is a big question.

Origin of the Moon

Again, a puzzling difference: planets generally have satellites that rotate in the plane of the equator. For example, Jupiter has four of the largest "Galilean" satellites: Ganymede, Europa, Callisto, Io. It’s a pleasure to look through a telescope: they are lined up evenly along the equator line of the magnificent ruler, generally like notes on a staff. Like soldiers in front of a general.

Luna, meanwhile, is just a mystery girl. Instead of settling, like an obedient daughter, in the plane of the earth's equator, she behaves as if she were her own planet: her orbit is in the same plane in which the independent worlds of the Solar system rotate - in the plane of the ecliptic. Scientists consider this clear evidence that it was not formed along with the Earth.

According to the prevailing version, the Moon arose after the collision of the Earth with a planet the size of Mars. And it arose mainly from terrestrial matter knocked out into space. But computer modeling shows that then the satellite made from this rubble would still rotate closer to the equatorial plane, that is, the orbit would not be so inclined. Recently there was an assumption that, perhaps, not everything was knocked out with small stones, but there were quite large blocks among them. Then one of them could have been thrown further away - and it would have ended up in the not very natural position in which it is now spinning.

The Mystery of the Far Side of the Moon

This cannot but attract attention: the visible and invisible sides of the Moon are too strikingly different in appearance. On the other side there are no such vast and picturesque “seas”, but there are a great many small craters and mysterious hills. And the bark itself is thicker on that side.

There are opinions on this matter: firstly, no matter how the Moon appeared, at the moment of its appearance the Earth’s gravity immediately bound it with the so-called tidal lock - this is when the satellite is so close to the owner that mutual attraction causes the smaller celestial body to rotate around the larger one with the same speed with which the satellite rotates around its own axis. That's why we only see one side of the Moon. And this could predetermine a lot. The young, still hot Earth could constantly heat up the visible lunar half and thus provoke eruptions of basaltic lava, from which the seas are made. That is why the inner side is not as dotted with craters as the outer one: the stones fell into viscous magma - and it closed over them as if nothing had happened. And no crater.

And, secondly, it is possible that something quite large once fell on the far side of the Moon and broke “into a cake,” which formed strange mountains there.

Origin of the moons of Mars

There is also a mysterious situation here, but the mystery, one might say, is exactly the opposite of the lunar one. On Mars, the satellites Phobos and Deimos look like adopted street children, but behave like their own: their orbits are almost circular and in the plane of the Martian equator.

A version is being developed that Mars once “gave birth” to one large moon, but it later split up for some reason. Maybe it hit something, or maybe it came so close to the planet that the gravity of Mars split it apart. But there is a problem: modeling shows that in this situation, the fragments would have formed a whole ring around the Red Planet, and ultimately there would now be not two, but at least three large fragments.

Was there a planet Phaethon

The planets of the Solar System are located at such distances from the star that there is a clear mathematical pattern in this. And this mathematics requires that there be a planet between Mars and Jupiter. But she’s not there. But exactly where it should be, there is an impressive asteroid belt. And this suggests that these asteroids are the remains of a lost world, which was given the name Phaethon. Let us recall that in ancient mythology, Phaeton was the son of the Sun god Helios, who decided to try to drive his father’s golden chariot across the sky, but failed and died. If the planet Phaethon existed and collapsed, the question arises as to what exactly happened and when. But there is also a hypothesis that the planet never actually existed, that this asteroid belt has existed since the appearance of the protoplanetary cloud - and the gravity of Jupiter and Saturn located on opposite sides simply did not, does not allow and will not allow these asteroids to gather into a single whole planet.

Where do Saturn's rings come from?

In fact, rings have been found on absolutely all the gas giants of the Solar System, but none have such a rich and brightly sparkling decoration as Saturn. This wealth sparkles because it is mostly icy. But the puzzle in this case is how generously these treasures are scattered: from the outer rings, according to the laws of gravity, satellites should be formed. However, according to data from the Cassini probe, Saturn became so dressed up by cosmic standards recently—several tens of millions of years ago. But the question remains: where did he actually find this treasure? There is an idea that the planets of the solar system once migrated, that is, changed their position - and during the move, Saturn was lucky to visit, say, the same asteroid belt.

What happened to Uranus

What happened to him is that his axis is tilted almost 98 degrees relative to the plane in which he flies around the Sun. Simply put, Uranus rotates as if “lying on its side.” Nobody else in the entire solar system behaves like this. And astronomers are figuring out what kind of protest this is. It is suspected that he did not fall, but was “dropped”: the gas giant was knocked out as a result of a collision with some large celestial body. In general, it’s interesting how you can hit a gigantic gas ball and what happens to it.

Mysteries of Venus

The second planet in the solar system is very similar to Earth in size, but appears to be "anti-Earth" in almost every other way. Firstly, scientists are trying to understand what caused such a severe greenhouse effect and such pressure on it that spacecraft are unable to operate there for more than a few hours: they are simply crushed. Secondly, why Venus does not have a magnetic field. By the way, for Mars it is also practically “none”. And it’s completely confusing that Venus rotates around its axis not like everyone else, from left to right, but vice versa. It can be assumed, for example, that from a collision with another planet it was either spun in the other direction, or, for example, turned upside down.

Earth phenomenon

In general, it seems that the third planet from the Sun won some kind of universal lottery. She won everything there was to win. The orbital position is perfect: not too close, not too far, but just right for the oceans to exist. The oceans themselves, please. The hot material in the planet's core creates a powerful magnetic field and thereby protects all life on Earth from radiation - yes. The moon, with its gravity, stabilizes the earth's axis and with it the climate on the planet - as much as you like. Jupiter in the outer part of the solar system attracts large bodies towards itself and thus stands to protect our peace - no question. There are so many happy coincidences, but in the surrounding cosmos everything is so deplorable and unfortunate that you can’t help but think about it.

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