25 Facts About Plastic Pollution That Are Seriously Scary (26 Photos)

1 March 2025
Category: nature, terrible, 0+

Take a moment and look around. Whether it's a phone case, a coffee cup, or a food container, almost everything is made of plastic. We use so much plastic that it has become an integral part of our lives, but the more we produce it, the more harm it causes to the environment and ourselves. Here are 25 facts about plastic pollution that will make you reconsider your habits.

1. The rate of plastic production continues to increase

Research shows that plastic production has increased from two million tons in the 1950s to 380 million tons in 2015. It is estimated that by 2050, 34 billion tons of plastic will be produced.

2. Germany is a leader in plastic recycling

Germany recycles about 56% of all its waste. Austria and South Korea share second place in the ranking with 53.8% and 53.7% respectively, while Wales is third with 53%.

3. The fight against plastic pollution began on December 31, 1988

The international agreement MARPOL Annex V (rules for the prevention of pollution from garbage from ships) has been signed, which prohibits the release of plastic waste into the marine environment.

4. 46% of plastic floats in the world's oceans

Almost half of our ocean has plastic waste floating on the surface. And who knows how much plastic has already sunk to the bottom of the oceans.

5. Plastic cups take 50 to 80 years to decompose

Because plastic cups contain non-recyclable materials, they take a very long time to decompose. Some establishments, such as Starbucks, offer a discount to customers who bring their own reusable cup.

6. Recycling saves energy

Burning plastic in an incinerator requires twice as much energy as recycling it.

7. Every year, 100,000 marine mammals are killed by plastic

Animals often mistake small pieces of plastic for food in the ocean and on land. Hundreds of thousands of animals die each year due to plastic pollution.

8. Every American throws away about 85 kilos of plastic every year.

In 2013, Americans generated about 254 million tons of trash and only recycled and composted about 87 million tons of the material, according to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency archives.

9. Every day, 500 million plastic straws are used around the world.

Plastic straws are served with drinks in almost every establishment and are a major beach polluter. Many countries have already banned them or have just proposed banning them.

10. There are only 4 ways to get rid of plastic

Plastic can be recycled, turned into fuel or energy, destroyed completely, or released into the environment. Of course, the best option is recycling or turning plastic into fuel.

11. Half of the world's plastic is produced in Asia

Asian countries such as China, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines account for 60% of the plastic that ends up in the ocean. China, Indonesia and Vietnam produce the majority of plastic waste.

12. 40% plastic is used for packaging

Packaging is another disposable item that you can do without. The second most produced plastic is for construction. The third is for textiles.

13. To make a water bottle, you need more water than the bottle can hold.

As confusing and sad as this may sound, it is true. The process of making a water bottle requires six times more water than the bottle can hold.

14. 14% of all waste comes from drink containers

And that's not counting the caps and labels. By eliminating disposable bottles, we can significantly reduce the amount of waste.

15. Americans alone use 100 billion plastic bags every year.

Unlike many other countries that have already banned plastic bags, Americans still use them in their daily lives. In England, people usually carry reusable bags when shopping for groceries and other purchases. If we stop using plastic bags every day, it will significantly reduce our plastic use.

16. Plastic can lead to weight gain

Bisphenol A (BPA) and bisphenol A diglycidyl (BADGE) are chemicals used in the production of plastics. While they may not be the only cause of obesity, a study from Environmental Health Perspectives found that they lead to weight gain.

17. Microplastics are even found in drinking water

Microplastics are very small pieces of plastic debris. Because they are so tiny, most water filters allow them to pass through easily. Research has found microplastics in 83% of tap water in major cities around the world.

18. Plastic pollution has become such a big problem that it can no longer be solved by recycling alone.

Recycling is a great way to reduce pollution. However, given the amount of plastic currently produced and the rate at which plastic degrades, recycling only scratches the surface of this environmental disaster. To see real change, we need to dramatically slow down plastic production.

19. Coral reefs are dying around the world

Coral reefs are some of the largest productive ecosystems on Earth and are home to a variety of marine organisms. They also protect coastlines from destruction by waves and tropical storms and sequester carbon and nitrogen in the water. “More than 90% of the world’s coral reefs will die by 2050,” writes the Independent. Bacteria from plastic is one of the causes of coral diseases.

20. Plastic is banned in some countries

In Kenya, using plastic bags can land you in jail for up to four years. In 2018, the UK announced a 25-year plan to eliminate plastic waste, introducing a ban on plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds. In Zimbabwe, those caught using polystyrene foam, such as Styrofoam containers, can be fined up to $500. In 2016, France became the first country to ban plastic cups, plates and cutlery.

21. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a real place

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is located halfway between Hawaii and California (exact location can be found on Google Maps). It consists almost entirely of plastic and microplastics, which are not biodegradable. The surface area of ​​this garbage “island” is 1.6 million square kilometers.

22. 4% of the world's oil is used to produce plastic

Oil is a valuable non-renewable resource. It fuels our cars, heats our homes and powers businesses around the world. According to BP's Statistical Review of World Energy, oil will run out in 55 years or less. By reducing or eliminating the production of plastic products, we could save about 4% of the world's oil.

23. Every piece of plastic created in the world still exists today

Plastic in landfills can take up to 1,000 years to decompose. It will take trillions of years to completely eliminate all the landfills we've filled with plastic. Landfills save space by burning plastic bottles, which release toxic pollutants into the air. By recycling plastic, you help reduce the amount of plastic ending up in landfills.

24. Plastic is killing our wildlife

Plastic is filling our oceans and killing marine life. Seabirds, sea turtles, fish and seals either become entangled in it or die after eating it. 40% of the world's ocean surface is covered with plastic waste.

25. We use half of all the plastic we use once and then

By purchasing reusable straws, grocery bags, water bottles and containers, you're not only saving money, but you're also helping to save the planet. In the US alone, 50 billion disposable water bottles are used annually, and only 23% are recycled.

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