“Only the tag on the leg is missing”: funny incidents under anesthesia (9 photos)
Netizens share stories from hospital wards about pranks by anesthesiologists and the jokes of their patients.
- When I administered propofol to one patient, I asked him to count backwards from 100. Already at 97, the patient began to slur his words and closed his eyes... After a few seconds, he sharply opens his eyes and shouts: “Joke!” Scared the hell out of the entire operating room. After this, the anesthesia took effect and he fell asleep. My most memorable case from practice.
“Before removing the appendicitis, the surgeon told me: “Now we’ll open you up and see what we find there.” I replied: “Agreed. Only if you find something valuable, we’ll divide it in half.”
- I had a proctologist named Jones. Before my colonoscopy, I asked my wife to jokingly write “Dr. Jones, now is not the time for love” (a quote from Indiana Jones) on my buttock. The procedure was performed under general anesthesia. When I left the room, I was told that, having seen my inscription, all the medical staff in the treatment room took a 3-minute break.
- My son was given general anesthesia for a small procedure. The doctors asked me to sit with him while he recovered. In the room, the son noticed a mirror above the bed - and was sure that it was his brother in front of him. He had a whole dialogue with his own reflection. He doesn't have any brother.
- I jokingly told the anesthesiologist that I would resist the anesthesia and try to remain conscious, to which he replied: “I love such confrontations. But do you know what’s the best part?” I looked at him and he finished the sentence: “I always win.” I woke up only after the operation.
- When the anesthesia started to take effect, I felt so great. He told the anesthesiologist that he needed to open his own bar and sell cocktails made from drugs. He replied: “Yes, but then all my visitors would immediately... switch off.” The next thing I remember is I woke up in the recovery room.
- Before the removal of my wisdom teeth, I was given a drip with an anesthetic. I suddenly saw an air bubble coming down the tube from the IV - and I got scared. I read somewhere that if air gets into the veins, it can cause an aneurysm and lead to death. Then I did not know that: 1) when there is little air, this is normal (the bubble in the tube was a maximum of 10 mm), and 2) that there is a hole in the dropper through which this air comes out.
I managed to shout out: “Brain aneurysm!” and immediately fell asleep. The doctor told me about this after the operation. He said that this was the funniest phrase before passing out.
- At 16 I had heart surgery. They gave me the first injection with an anesthetic, waited a couple of minutes, and moved me from the bed to a gurney, covering me with a sheet. I immediately noticed that my legs were peeking out of the sheet - just like the corpses in the movies. Without thinking twice, I, slightly intoxicated by the anesthesia, blurted out: “Look! Only the tag on the leg is missing!” and covered his head with the sheet.
I laughed until I dropped while excited relatives and medical staff stood over me and gasped. I still think it was a great joke.
- I heard that one guy put a small folded note between his buttocks before a colonoscopy. It said: “Good afternoon, Dr. Johnson. We were unable to reach you regarding the extended warranty for your car...”