9 world secrets and mysteries that still excite minds (10 photos)
Our planet is full of unsolved mysteries. It certainly seems strange that mysteries still exist, even despite the development of science and advanced technology. Many complex problems have become overgrown with speculation and various theories, and some have become legends. In this post you will remember some of the unsolvable puzzles of humanity.
Shugborough inscription
The 18th-century English monument has raised questions among thousands of people since it was discovered 250 years ago. On the monument you can see a sequence of letters that apparently have no meaning. Many researchers tried to solve the mystery of the inscription; they put forward various versions, including indicating the location of the Holy Grail or the hiding place of the Knights Templar.
Taos rumble
For 20 years, a strange hum has been driving residents of the city of Taos, Mexico, crazy. The hum, which can be defined as a low-frequency sound, is mainly heard only by local residents. Scientists have put forward various theories, ranging from secret experiments on mind control and UFO activity, to the movement of lithospheric plates.
Mayan civilization
The Mayans were once the most advanced civilization in the entire world. Its ancient cities, located in Mexico and Honduras, are still preserved and are visited by thousands of tourists every year. However, it is still unclear where the Mayan civilization disappeared to. All the people left their homes at the same time, and never returned, and gradually everything was swallowed up by the jungle. This fact is still the greatest secret of humanity.
Signal from space "Wow!"
Although it may seem like something that only happens in movies, the search for aliens and extraterrestrial life is widespread today. In 1977, a sudden high-frequency radio signal was detected by radio telescopes pointed into space. The inexplicable signal lasted 72 seconds and is known as “Wow!” due to a mark that worker Jerry R. Eman made on the paper after recording the signal. Since then, no such signals have been received, although scientists continue to search for extraterrestrial life.
Voynich manuscript
The Voynich manuscript is still considered the most mysterious manuscript in the world. It was written in the Middle Ages, but gained fame when it was acquired by a Lithuanian ancient book specialist in 1912. The manuscript depicted unknown plants and texts written in an incomprehensible language. The manuscript has been the subject of intensive research by numerous professional and amateur cryptographers, but until now scientists have not solved the mysterious book.
Shroud of Turin
The Shroud of Turin is a piece of linen that bears the imprint of a face and body scarred with the characteristic marks of a crucifixion. No one really knows where this cloth came from or who discovered it, but it has always been assumed that it was the shroud in which Jesus Christ was wrapped during his burial, according to the Gospels. Although scientists have studied the shroud for years, there is still no definitive answer.
This is a system of writing on wooden tablets discovered on Easter Island and carved with obsidian points. Some authors claim that this is the only structured form of writing in all of Oceania. Although the symbols remain unsolved, many scientists believe that these tablets may hold the secret to the sudden collapse of the Easter Island civilization.
The construction method and significance of Stonehenge in southern England still eludes researchers. Although some scholars believe that the massive stone structures were erected as a pagan monument, there is no consistent evidence to explain how stones of such size were worked or for what purpose they were erected in this way.
The Last Day of Edgar Allan Poe
Before his death in 1849, the famous American horror writer disappeared. On October 3, Poe was found completely delirious, wandering the streets of Baltimore in someone else's clothes. Edgar Poe died before he could coherently explain what happened to him, and since then people have been trying to reconstruct the story of his disappearance.