If you don’t follow basic safety rules in the workplace, or in any everyday situation, you can expect trouble. Luckily, the Reddit community Safety First! staunchly guards our interests, tirelessly reminding us that safety comes first.
1. "More fire, less fire." Something is wrong here!
2. Know-how
3. Former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison tries his hand at welding
4. “Dad’s friend came across this. Seems legit"
5. “I’m a photographer and I saw this in the center of Ljubljana, Slovenia.”
6. Maybe this is an art installation?
7. Great reading corner. Chance of survival is approximately 50/50
8. “I’m not sure the wooden edge of a playground is the best place for a burning blowtorch left unattended.”
9. “The manager closed our only emergency exit because they were “tired of thieves running out the back door.”
10. “The fire exit is closed. We all die"
11. “I saw an advertisement for a power saw here recently...”
12. Master class on transporting glass
13. Was it possible?
14. It's okay, they're wearing reflective vests
15. “The window cleaner is across the street. I'm on the 5th floor. NY"
16. Game of Jenga
17. “I’m scared for him”
18. That’s how it should be, right?
19. Damocles conditioner
20. Somewhere in Idaho
21. Nothing bad can just happen
22. Video bloggers, probably
23. God level insurance
24. “Just wear your helmet until it falls.”
25. “0 days since the last accident”