Myths about sleep (7 photos)

13 February 2025
Category: медицина, 0+

It is a well-known fact that we spend about a third of our lives sleeping and rarely remember our dreams. It's just 7-8 hours of Morpheus's hugs. This process is shrouded in many secrets and mysteries that have no scientific basis.

Some information was once told by someone and went further, replenished with speculation and incorrect facts. But with the development of science, some myths about sleep have been debunked. And here are some of them.

There are people who never dream

There are statistics that a person dreams from 4 to 6 dreams per night. But very often, when people wake up, they cannot remember any of them. The brain works great and removes from memory almost everything seen in a dream. Those who say that they never dream of anything most likely simply do not remember their nightly adventures.

All people snore and that's normal

Yes, a little snoring-like snoring can happen to any of us. But powerful snoring, which often prevents people in reserved seat carriages and flatmates from falling asleep, is not the norm. Experts from the National Sleep Foundation say that if a person snores loudly more than three days a week, they should see a doctor. This physiological feature may indicate obstructive apnea. It is especially worth paying attention to snoring if a person feels drowsy and tired the next day.

Alcohol is a good sleeping pill

Yes, a certain amount of alcohol can actually make you drowsy and help you fall asleep faster. But this coin has two sides. Numerous studies have proven that alcohol reduces the REM sleep phase - this is when we dream and effectively restore strength. That is, alcohol before bedtime will make a person tired the next day, after a “drunk” night.

Working out in the evening interferes with sleep

Physical activity has a qualitative effect on sleep and cannot in itself interfere with falling asleep. But if you eat a heavy meal after training, then this can prevent you from falling asleep on time. So you need to carefully monitor what you do after training, your body may be stimulated and unable to fall asleep.

You can't wake up a sleepwalker

Probably everyone has heard that during an attack of sleepwalking it is strictly forbidden to wake a person, because this can lead to dire consequences.

It’s worth starting with the fact that it’s not so easy to wake up a sleepwalker; this is one of the features of sleepwalking. And secondly, even if he succeeds, he will most likely be irritated and frustrated. If your loved one suffers from sleepwalking, then it is better to simply carefully take him back to bed.

You can train a person to sleep for four to five hours

This is one of the most famous misconceptions. In order to regain strength, an adult needs 7-9 hours, depending on lifestyle. There are unique people for whom five hours of sleep is enough, but these cases are very rare.

Regeneration of the body is more or less similar for the vast majority of the world's population, so those who claim that they sleep five hours a day and feel great are either lying to themselves, or they have insomnia, or they are the very only ones.

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