18 girls who just wanted a beautiful manicure (19 photos)

4 February 2025
Category: beauty, 0+

I suggest you look at pictures of the most unsuccessful manicures, when you see them, it becomes clear what feelings their owners experienced as soon as they left the salon.

“Going to do your nails” is a form of rest, relaxation, which allows you to escape from daily worries for at least an hour. In just 60 minutes you can gossip with the master, talk on the phone with your beloved friend and, of course, get the perfect manicure. But a trip to the salon does not always end with a happy ending. Every day, dozens of photos appear on the Internet from girls who went to unfortunate masters and got far from the result they expected.

Expectation versus reality. Space nails!

Almost similar

The master made the most “exact copy” possible

I'm so upset

The result is incredibly painful to look at

A little more and you will turn into a dragon!

Where's the gloss?

The master tried, but apparently didn’t have enough patience to paint the nails evenly

"Exact" copy

Is this some kind of joke?

Looking at this manicure, it’s impossible not to laugh

When I was a little girl, I wore plasticine nails. They looked like these.

We wanted a square shape, but got round ones

These faces look straight into your soul

But it's bright

This is impossible to unsee

Such a pain

Here's what you can get if you go to a nail salon in a mall

It could, of course, be worse

When the manicurist finished the job, she said it turned out even better than she had hoped.

The manicurist was a very nice older woman, so I didn't have the heart to just stop her and leave, even though I wanted to. I ended up giving her a 25% tip. It is clear that I will never return there again!

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